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Four was playing a game of dare with his friends, and they were all fairly tipsy. It was Zeke's turn to ask Four a question.

"So Four," he slurred, "What are your four fears?"

Four shrugged in response, "Doesn't really matter, now does it?"

"Well then, I dare you to tell us what your fears are." Zeke told him.

Four was taken aback but took a swig of the alcohol anyways. "Um, my first fear is heights. Second is confinement."

"Yoooooo, those are two different things!" Zeke was really drunk, "You can't be afraid of opposites!"

"But, Zeke, you're afraid of drowning to death and burning to death!" Shauna slurred. "Those are opposites too!"

Zeke gasped, "Woah! I'm a magical, majestic unicorn!" He was really drunk.

Tori jumped in now, "Four, what are your other two fears?"

"Killing innocent people." Four was starting to get drunk too. "And my father."

"Your father?" Zeke asked

"Yeah, he's a bastard." Four slurred, "Get this! He told me what to do in the aptitude test in order to get Abnegation! He wanted be to stay there!"

"Isn't that illegal?" Someone who wasn't drunk yet asked.

"Yeah, but he said it was fine because he's the leader of Abnegation and it's 'my duty to keep up the facade that we're a perfect Abnegation family' or something like that." Four wasn't even aware of what he was saying.

"Woah, your father's Marcus Eaton?" Zeke looked shocked, "Youu never told me that!"

"That's 'cause I left him behind for a reason." Four started falling asleep, "Somedays I wish that people actually took Erudite's reports into consideration, some of them are true."

The game was pretty much over by then so they all went home. Four didn't even know what he had told them until his friends confronted him the next day.

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