chapter 29

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Seth's pov

So I just got done with my live event for tonight and I'm planning to go surprise Nicole after the show.  I'm really surprised that she decided to forgive me even after I told her what happened when we broke up .

She said that we can't turn back time and fix our mistakes but we can move on and even though we told each other everything she said that she still needs a bit of time for herself .

But I'm still gonna treat her the same even though we are not dating at the moment . 

"Hey man you wanna come join the guys at the bar ?" Finn asks me .

"Uh sorry bro I'm going to Nicole's place ." I tell him and he nods smiling .

"So I see you made up and took our advice huh ." He says smirking and I slightly shove him chuckling .

"We're actually on good terms but not actually still together again ." I say sadly and Finn puts his arms around my shoulder .

"Don't worry bro you'll get her back you guys look like you're made for each other.... seriously I think you too will last ." He says seriously and I smile giving him a bro hug. 

"Thanks bro I gotta go I'll see you tomorrow ."

"Yeah man see you tomorrow."

I smile and turn around making my way to my rental car. 

I smile getting into my car and turning on the playlist on my phone . What ifs by Kane Brown came on . Nicole's favorite song .

I smile listening to the lyrics whilst driving.  I see a small wine shop and decide to stop and get her some of her favorite wine . 

I get Nicole's favorite which happens to be a classic red wine  and pay the lady making my way back to my car and driving to Nicole's house. 

I climb out of the car picking up the bottle  and make my way to the door step . I noticed Brianna's car in the parking space and shrug . I'm about to knock when I hear arguing coming from inside the house .

"Nicole you have to tell Seth  about this., we both know you can't do this alone." I hear brie say and I decide to listen instead of knocking.

"Brianna I don't want to tell him yet our relationship is not even stable and I don't want to drop a bomb in  his life ." Nicole says and I wonder what the hell they are talking about .

"Nicole if you don't tell him I will and I know it's not my place to tell him this but if you don't I will ."

I decide to drop eavesdropping and open the door seeing Brie and Nicole's shocked faces. 

"S-seth what are you doing here ?" Nicole stutters and I smile kidding her forehead .

"Well I decided to drop by and see how you're doing... it would be rude if I didn't." I tell her and she cracks a small smile making my heart happy .

"Anyway I brought you you're favorite wine." I say holding the bottle in front of her..

"Thanks ." She says uncomfortably and I shake it off .

I grab 3 glasses from the cabinet and pour the wine for the 3 of us . Brie took hers gracefully , Nicole on the other hand .....

"Nicole you never decline wine are you okay unless you're still feeling sick ?" I ask feeling her temperature. 

She puts my hand down from her forehead and stands up. 

"Actually Nicole has something to tell you Colbs ." Brie says and I look at Nicole who is busy glaring gun holes at brie .

"What is it Nicole  ?" I ask her softly holding her hands .

"Uhh nothing bries just going crazy again ." She says and Brie rolls her eyes at her. 

"Nicole." Brie says really scary.  Nicole takes a deep breath grabbing something from the table and hiding if behind her back .

"Uhh brie can you give us a minute ?" Nicole asks and Brie nods .

"I'm going home anyway birdie needs me ." She says giving Nicole a little hug and nodding at me. 

Brie leaves closing  the door behind her and I look at Nicole seriously. 

"Okay what is that ?" I ask talking about the thing that she is holding behind her back ..

"Promise me with what I'm about to show you ... that you will never leave me because of it." She says almost in tears and I'm honestly scared with what she is about to show me .

"Nicole look at me... I will never ever leave you again no matter what because I will love you till the day I die ." I tell her gently grabbing her face and giving her a loving and reassuring kiss .

We break away and I rest my forehead on hers .

"Now tell me what's wrong ." I say and she gives me the thing behind her back .

A picture .

A sonogram. 

"I'm going to be a dad !" I say in shock .

"Congratulations daddy ." She says and I grab her spinning her in circles .

I put her  down remembering that she's pregnant now so I'm probably making her sick .

"I'm going to be a dad !" I shout in happiness and she giggles .

"So I guess you're not mad ." She says and I scoff .

"This is the best thing that could ever happen to me okay.... I can't believe that you didn't want to tell me about this little blessing ." I say rubbing her stomach lovingly .

"I love you so much ." I say grabbing her face and kissing her with so much love and passion . She kisses back with the same emotion and I smile into the kiss . After a while she pulls away .

"I love you too daddy ." She says making me kiss her again .

I break away from the kiss because of a question that's  bugging me. 

"So are we back together now?" I ask her hopefully grabbing her waist .

She smirks biting her lips.

"Does this answer your question ?" She asks grabbing my face and bringing us into yet another passionate kiss .

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