chapter 35

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The wedding

Nikki pov 

Today is a big day for me ! I'm getting married to the man of my fucking dream and the father of my son .

Nathaniel is currently a year old and I'm fascinated with how quickly he's grown .  I'm even more fascinated with how much he looks like a mixture of both Colby and I. 

He has his black hair and my eyes but he has his daddies lips and nose.  He's seriously so beautiful. 

I fix myself one more time in the mirror before getting ready to walk the aisle .

I take a deep breath in and Colby's dad walks through the door .

"You look beautiful sweetheart." He says planting a kiss on my forehead .

"Thank you , I'm really nervous ." I say to him .

"Don't be you are getting married today you should be happy , and I'll make sure that my son always make you happy ."

I thank him and we get ready to walk the aisle .

As I'm walking I see Brie, Renee, my step sister Maya, Nattie and my cousin kate looking gorgeous .

But what got me teary eyed was seeing Nate in a little tuxedo.

Colby's dad tells me it's time to walk down the aisle and I take a deep breath before the big doors open and I see all my loved ones. 

My bridesmaids Renee, Nattie and my maid of honour brie stand there smiling widely opposite of Colby's groomsmen Bryan Finn and Roman with his best man Dean.

My eyes are only focused on my soon to be husband who looks handsome in his navy blue suit and bow tie with his long hair in a stylish man bun.

He looks like he's holding back tears which makes me more emotional than I already am .

I continue to walk down the aisle until Colby gets me from his father. 
He just similes at me while holding my hand and waiting for the priest to speak.

Whilst the priest speaks he mouths "you look beautiful." "I love you." Which I mouth back too.

The priest says its time for our vows and Colby intertwines our fingers before speaking.

"Nicole,you've given me more than I could have ever dreamed off. I wake up every morning with a smile on my face and I go to sleep every night with a smile on my face because I can't comprehend how lucky I got with you  being in my life. You've given me the greater gift ever which is our little boy who is my world I can't think of a future without him and I can't think of a future without you I love you forever and always, Niks I hope you know that my love.

I hold back tears as Colby slides a ring on my finger.

"Colby, we've had our ups and downs , highs and lows but I'd never regret any of that because look were we are  today. You've taught me how to be loved properly  and opened my eyes to how different my world can be when you are at my side. You, Nathaniel and I are the best little team. I never want to picture my life without you  because you complete it. Seeing Nate everyday reminds me of you. His cute personality his dark hair and his overall sass screams you and I wouldn't have it any other way. I love you Colby."

I slide the ring on his finger and the priest pronounces us husband and wife.

Colby gives me a simple yet passionate kiss and whispers in my ear

"I can't believe you are officially mine, I love you Nicole Garcia, thank you for everything."

"I love you too Colby, I thank you for loving me the way that you do."

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 06, 2020 ⏰

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