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Spider-Man: Collision Course

Slenda's Mansion
January 4th 2019 4:30 P.M

Peter's P.O.V

*sigh* more crazy baddies running around the streets of new york for once...which means I can finally sit back and relax...

I then sat backwards onto the sofa and kicked my feet up onto the coffee table and turned on the television...i was surfing through the channels and landed on tru impractical jokers marathon was on....jackie really loved this show...i remember when we use to hang out together and watch this show....hope you and slenda are okay...wherever you are..

I then shrugged off the sad thoughts and focused on the television....we haven't moved to forest park just yet....but we plan on moving sometime next month....jane has been working really hard trying to learn the transfer's taking a huge toll on her...and it's making me very worried...she told me that everything was fine...but I don't believe her.

I was taken out of my thoughts again as I saw someone cover my eyes from behind.

"Guess who?" A feminine voice that I didn't need my spider sense to recognize said..i removed her hands and looked up at her.

"Hey Benny." I said with a smile...benny...i honestly don't know where I'd be without her...she's the light of my darkest days...everytime I feel down and out she's always there to cheer me up...she's one of the more important girls in my life...besides the others....and Jane...

"So....whatcha doin?" Benny said as she sat beside me.

"Not much...just watching impractical's a marathon so I'm probably gonna be here all day.." I said causing Benny to raise an eyebrow.

"You're seriously gonna sit on the couch all day? No patrol? No searching for more bad guys?" Benny asked.

"Yep....kaine and ben are here now...which balances things out I the meantime I can relax...these past few days have been a pain...just need a little bit of me time.." I said while shrugging.

"Oh your turning into jess...pretty soon your gonna be known as the amazing couch potato.." Benny joked causing me to smirk and roll my eyes.

"I'd be a pretty good looking couch potato though wouldn't I?" I said causing Benny to smirk and kiss me on the cheek.

"Definitely~" Benny said.

We then heard the door fling open and saw Kaine panting and out of breath...he was wearing a sweat drenched hoodie and sweatpants and let his head fall face first onto the soft red carpet.

"*pant* *pant* damn....that kid is like..*pant* and little speed demon!" Kaine said.

"Playing tag with Sally again?" Benny asked to which Kaine nodded with his face still submerged into the carpet.

"Who's it?" I asked causing Kaine to point outside to where we assumed Sally was.

"Sally's it....i managed to lose her...i don't think she'll find me though....that forest is pretty deep." Kaine said confidently.

Unbeknownst to him we saw Sally sneak up behind him with a innocent smile on her face...she then sat on his back and tagged him on the back of his head.

"You're it! I win!" Sally said while celebrating.

"God damnit..." Kaine muttered in defeat causing me and Benny to chuckle at the two.

Spider-Man: Collision Course (ImLazaruZ Edition)Where stories live. Discover now