Chapter IV: An Explanation

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Slenda's Mansion
January 7th 11:30 P.M

3rd Person P.O.V

The mansion was very empty and quiet, which would be considered a rarity since usually the entire place would be busy.

This was short lived however as the door was opened slightly by the monochrome hammerwielder zero, She peeked her head In between the door and looked around cautiously and slowly stepped inside.

She turned her back to close the door carefully to not make any noises, when the door was finally closed she took a sigh of relief, once she turned around however she saw both Peter and Jane sitting on the couch with stern looks causing the girl to jump out of her skin.

"Hey zero, how's life?" Jane said.

Silence was what followed the question, zero still being shaken from their sudden appearance while both maintained their stoic expressions.

"H-hi guys! How l-long have you been sitting t-there?" Zero asked.

"Benny opened a portal for me, Jane was already home, She used one of slenda's spells to cloak us to suprise you.." Peter said plainly.

Benny walked in the room with a sheepish smile and scratched the back of her head.

"Sorry zero..." Benny said.

"I thought you said you'd cover for me!" Zero said.

"And have my peter be all angry at me? I'm not taking the fall to keep your little secret!" Benny said.

Zero sighed in defeat and sat down on a nearby chair and prepared herself for the combined scolding from Peter and Jane, Benny sat back and watched the scene in worry.

"I saw you at the game stop earlier today and you didn't buy any games, that's pretty weird y'know? But you know what else I find weird?" Peter said as he stood up and began walking towards zero.

"You told me yourself that you weren't hiding anything from us, so how strange is it that a couple days later we find out that you where not only visiting these guys behind our BACK! But you've also been doing some extremely reckless vigilante work!" Peter said slightly raising his voice.

"I know..." Zero said quietly.

"And not only did you lie, but you've also joined them in causing billions of dollars in property damage! What were you thinking?" Jane added

"Well everyone is okay right?" Zero asked.

"No thanks to either of you..." Peter said.

"No thanks to us? Where were you then? While we were doing your job for you, where were you?" Zero defended as she stood up from her seat.

"Cleaning up the mess the three of you made!!....The past week I've been helping to take care of the property damage the three of you caused! A man lost his store due to the fight you guys had with shocker! And now he's out of income!" Peter said.

"Now what if innocent people died during one of your fights? Different story, right? 'Cause that's on you! And if any of you die, I feel like that's on me. I don't need that on my conscience." Peter said again.

Zero realizing what Peter was saying sighed again and sat back down with an apologetic look.

"...We were only trying to help out, I didn't think the property damage was that bad...we were only trying to be heroes.." Zero said quietly.

Peter's face softed and he sighed, he then put a hand on her shoulder and knelt in front of the girl.

"Look,I understand you guys were only trying to do what's right, I'd be lying if I said I haven't caused my share of property damage when I first started crime fighting. The point I'm trying to make is that you've gotta be mindful of the people around you, get the civilians to a safe place then take the bad guys down, it's a whole lot easier that way." Peter said.

"That still doesn't explain how she knows the did she meet them?" Jane asked.

"....After the news report played I wanted to take a look into it myself, I snuck off to new york to look for them and sure enough I found them in a warehouse." Zero answered.

"But why keep them from us? Are they hiding something?" Peter asked.

"No, they were just unsure about meeting up with you..they said something about it screwing up the timeline or something.." Zero said causing Peter to nod.

"They really are from another there anyway I could arrange a meeting for us?" Peter asked.

"You aren't gonna hurt them are you?" Zero asked in worry.

"What? No! I just want to talk to them! Try to help them out with their multidimensional problem. Maybe help them find a way back to their world." Peter said.

"You can do that? But how?" Zero asked.

"Not on my own, Harry and I have been trying to get into contact with Tony stark but he hasn't answered any of our calls...must be busy or something." Peter said with a shrug.

The room was again filled with silence, until the young wall crawler spoke up again.

" and aidan?" Peter asked with a sly smirk causing the monochrome girl to blush immediately.

"We're just friends I swear!" Zero yelled.

Peter chuckled at the girl while Jane and Benny joined him causing the girl to hide her face.

"Its fine zero, your secret is safe with us!" Benny said.

"Is it benny? Is it?" Zero asked with narrowed eyes causing the blonde to roll her eyes.

"Eh don't worry about it, you guys are pretty cute together, I'll admit.." Peter said while ruffling the girls hair causing her to blush again.

"But if he hurts you...I'll kick his ass..." Peter said in a brotherly manner causing the monochrome girl to roll her eyes.

The door was suddenly barged open by a tired looking Ben, he was out of breath and panting heavily.

"Peter! There you are!" Ben said while regaining his breath, he then looked around the room and looked towards Peter with concern.

"A-am I interrupting anything or?" Ben asked causing Peter to roll his eyes.

"*Sigh* No you're not interrupting anything ben,what is it? And why are you out of breath?" Peter asked.

"It's Jess, She's about to do something reeeally stupid.." Ben said causing Peter to raise an eyebrow.

"What is she trying to do?"


And another chapter done! Only one step closer to responsibility folks! Sorry this took so long but fear not! Only two more chapters are left and this story will be complete! Hope you guys enjoyed!

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