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Tin was walking to his car after school, he was in a hurry. After days of trying to find Trump, he had finally made contact. They were planning to meet at CentralWorld at 6. He had contact Naai'Din, so they could cath Trump and find our what his brother, Tul was planning to do to him. He needed to get early and coordinate with Naai'Din. While walking past the football field, he saw Pete on the field talking to Ae. 'They are still hanging out together. He just don't know how bad low-class people are. He is too trusting. After I handel Trump, I'll get rid of Ae and all the Thai students around Pete.' He was nearly on the car park, he heard someone shout "Look out". He thought that it was yelled at him, he dove to the ground, but nothing happened. He looked around and saw a commotion at the football field. People were running to a small boy, who was lying on the ground. 'What a loser' Tin thought, forgetting that he looked like a loser himself a few seconds ago.

He got in his car and drove to the mall. He called Naai'Din to find out if he was at the mall. "Naai, I just arrived where are you?..... Oke I'll see you in front of the restaurant, how many guys did you bring along. We need to be discreet or he'll run.... See you in a minute." He got out of the car and walked to the seafood restaurant, he and Trump agreed to meet. He found a table in the middle of the room and sat facing the entrance. He spotted Naai'Din with 4 of his workers near his table. He nodded to show that he had seen him. He was slowly getting nervous. This plan had work, because he wanted to be left alone. If Tul thought that he was gay, he would be in big trouble with his family. There was already too much bad blood between them, he didn't need or want anymore drama.

He was looking on his phone, but he was really looking at the door, watching to see if he could see Trump come in. After waiting for 10 minutes, Trump came strolling in. He looked around a spotted Tin. There was a smile on his face, but it didn't reach his eyes, Tin could see disgust and hate in Trump's eyes. Not that he really cared, because he was planning to make sure that this man would suffer for what he did to Pete and want he wanted to do to Tin. "He stood up when Trump arrived at his table. "Are you Tin? Back told me all about you." Tin looked confused. "Tin, no my name is Chomp, I thought you knew that." Trump lost the fake smile. "Don't lie to me I know who you are, your dear brother has provided me with pictures of you." He took out his phone. "I already have a picture of you going to the gay bar. Back was supposed to provide me with nude pictures of you, but he failed. The reason I came he was to see if you would give me more that the 400,000 baht he promised if." Tin looked away acting like he was thinking, but he looked at Naai'Din and nodded again. This was the sign for Naai'Din to apprehend Trump.

"Is alright, let's go somewhere we can talk." Tin slowly stood up. Naai'Din and his men were standing behind Trump. "If you want your money don't make a scene and just follow me" Tin walked to the exit, not looking behind him. He wanted to seem calm, but he was fuming. Outside the mall, he let Naai'Din pass him. They walked a bit to Naai'Din's business van. Naai'Din and two of his men when it, the other two waited until Trump got in. Only after the doors closed, did Tin walk to the passenger side. Nobody talked during the drive to Naai'Din's office. Tin calming himself, he didn't want to come over scared, but that was all he was feeling. After 20 minutes they arrived at the office. They all got out and walked inside. Naai'Din when to his office to get some papers. After a few minutes he came back out and they walked to a small room at the back, with only Tin and Naai'Din walking inside. "Please sit down" Naai'Din pointed to chair facing the door. Tin sat across Trump, with Naai'Din standing beside him. "Let's talk business now. Before I even consider giving you money, you have to tell me what I want know. Is that a deal?" Trumped leaned back and crossed his arms, he gave Tin a smug smile. "How much will you give me, let's start with that first" Tin was annoyed. "I'll dubble the 400,000, so start talking. What is that my brother ask you to do?" Trump didn't say a thing, after a few minutes Tin got irritated, but he stayed calm. He turned to Naai'Din. "I think Trump needs some persuasion" Naai'Din walked behind Trump. He put his hand on Trump shoulder and pressed on his collarbone. Trump looked uncomfortable, he tried to shake off Naai'Din's hand, but Naai'Din was holding on tight. "He'll stop, if you start talking." It was Tin's turn to look smudged.

Trump tried to resist for a few minutes, but Naai'Din added more pressure. His arm was going numb and he felt like someone was stabbing his whole arm with hot needles. The pain was too much. He was used to pain, but this was on a new more painful feeling. "Your brother wanted to to find out if you were dating anybody and if you were really gay. There was a gossip going around that a guy who looked like Tin Methanat who was sleeping with men. Your brother had found the person who started the gossip, who was a friend of mine. I was there when your brother offered my friend money to get proof. I told your brother that I wanted in. So he offered me and my friend 400,000 each if we could get proof." "Who was the friend who started the gossip?" He nodded to Naai'Din to let go off Trump's shoulder. Tin needed to stop all people involved. "His name is Central Leonidaca, he used to date Back, but after they broke up, he started stalking him and he saw the two of you going to a hotel. He put two and two together. He forced Back to tell him who you were, but Back said your name was Chom and that he didn't know what Central meant." Tin was satisfied with the answers, but he wanted information on Pete. "You hang around with people who are gay, but you hate them, what is your problem?" Naai'Din's hand hovered around Trump's shoulder again, but Trump started to talk straight away. "Gay's are easy, they are ashamed that they are gay and for most their parents don't know and don't agree with their lifestyle, so they hide it, just like you. You act all cool and important, but your just hiding like the rest." Trump gave Tin a evil smile. "I might be hiding but I'm not ashamed and compared to the others I can do something about you." Trump scoffed. "You can't do anything. If you don't want your bother to find out, you'll just let me go."

Tin stood up and walked to the door. When he opened the door, there were 4 police officers waiting. He heard Trump gasp. "He is all yours." Two officers walked in and cuffed Trump. Naai'Din also gave them the papers he took out of his office. They were photos of Trump's bad deeds and statements of his victims. The police officers read him his rights and took him away. "You'll be sorry. I'll be out soon and then you'll regret what you did." "Wait officers!" Tin walked over to Trump and whispered in his ear. "When you get out, the people you owe money to will be waiting. If you don't want that to happen. I suggest you shut your mouth and leave Bangkok for good. If I find out that you are still here, I'll crush you like the bug you are." Tin gave Trump a pat on the back and walked back into the room. He sat down with a heavy sight. "He might be a horrible man, but he is right about one thing. If you want your brother to back off, you just have to tell your parents who you really are. You don't live with them, you don't talk to them. You'll lose nothing and you'll gain a some freedom from your brother." Naai'Din gave him Trump's phone. "I took it when he was getting into the car. He has now a clone in his pocket. We can monitor him. If he decide to call you brother again, we'll know and we can block his connection. Don't worry."

Tin was grateful for Naai'Din's advise. He was tired and he just wanted to get some sleep. He asked one of the guys to take him back to his car. He sat in his car for a while, contemplating what Trump and Naai'Din said. 'Was Trump right, was he really hiding, who he was and maybe Naai'Din was right. If he wanted his brother of his back, he just needed to tell his parents that he liked both men and women.' Indeed his parents didn't call him or visit him, so they don't really care with what he does. They gave up after the fals drug charge in London.

He remember his father angry face. "Your just useless. I won't disown you, but be sure to know, that from this day on, your on your own." He had thought that his own mother would help him, but she wasn't even there and when he tried to call he for help, he was directed to her voicemail. He hadn't spoken to them in 2 years. Tul had convinced their parents to pay for his school and to buy him a house he can live in. Tin was grateful, until he found out that Tul was the mastermind behind all the misfortune in his life. After not talking to them for so long, he didn't know how he would tell them that he bisexual. He wish that he someone to talk to. Like most of his days, he felt lonely and unwanted.

He arrived at his house and went straight to bed. He fell asleep straight away, dreaming of Can again.

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Is not a long chapter, but I feel like I have finally concluded on the Trump part. In the series, he just dissapeared. so I wanted to give answers to my own question (hihihi). The next chapter will finally see interaction between Tin and Can. So let me know what you think!! And thank you all for reading!!!

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