Not Today Mr. Danger

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Can was having the worst time of his live. His relationship with Ping was getting from bad to worst. The date to the movies was a complete disaster, the four of them couldn’t sit next to each other. Something that didn’t bother the rest, but Ping was fuming. She wanted all of them to sit next to each other, the others didn’t understand this, making her more angry off. In the end only Good and Mia watched the movie. Can was left to calm the hysterical Ping but that made her only more angry. In the end he brought her home, she complained that he didn’t have a car and that he lived with his mother. When he pointed out that she still lives with her parents, she nearly punched him. “I’m a women! A man should be independent!” She was looking at him in disgust and anger. Can was getting tired of her mood swings but she was still his first girlfriend. When he got home he talked to his mother about what Ping had said. His mother laughed. “Your girlfriend is very bossy but do you want to move out? Your old enough to know what you want. If you want to move out, we can try and find a place for you to stay. I will miss you, but it might be good for you.” Can wasn’t really ready to leave the house, but it might be for the best. He could invite Ping over and his friends too. If he could find something closer near school, he would have less commute time. That meant he could sleep longer. “Well, most of my friends live alone near school, so I would like to try it too.” His mother nodded. “I’ll ask some of my colleagues to see if they know a cheap place near your school.”

During dinner his mother told Lemon that Can might move out. “You better not get your girlfriend pregnant.” Can choked on the food he had just put in his mouth. Their mother was laughing so hard there were tears in her eyes. “He first needs to know how his little Can works.” “Oh my Gods, You guys are crazy! How can you say this to me. I’m not moving out to sleep with Ping. What is wrong with you!” But Lemon and his mother were laughing to hard. “We are just teasing. I hope you still come around to visit us.” “Of course! I’ll come visit you guys. I’m not leaving the country.” The next two weeks Can was busy studying for his tests, luckily Mia was willing to help him and Good study. Ping was there also but she kept getting angry when Can and Good didn’t get the good answers. Ae and Pete joined them also and Pete dragged Tin to study with them. Ping was not happy with all the people studying with them. After a while she packed her bags and left in anger. Can didn’t know if he should follow but Mia stopped him. “Just let her be. I think she is stressed because of the tests. She’ll calmed down soon. Don’t worry.” The six of them kept on studying and even had dinner afterwards. Can discovered that Tin acted like a snob, but he was really a nice guy. Can had heard from Good that Tin had apologised and that both he and Ae had accept. So Can had to do the same thing.

The first time they had dinner it was a bit awkward because nobody knew what to talk about. But Mia broke the ice by burping after drinking her cola. She looked so horrified that they all laughed and talked about embarrassing things that happened to each of them to make her feel less embarrassed. Ping would send Mia text messages asking where she was and who she was with. After a while Mia got irritated with all the messages. The next day she even put her phone on silence. During dinner she looked at her phone and gasped. “Ping has send me 50 messages and called me 20 times. What is wrong with her!?” They didn’t know what to say especially since Can wasn’t getting any messages from Ping. This would happen every time they study together. After dinner they would always be a argument of who would be paying. Pete, Mia and Tin were shocked the first time the boys had their fight. But they notice that it wasn’t a real fight. Ae and Good would want to pay and Can would try to get out of it. In the end the would play rock-paper-scissors to determine who would pay. By the third day the six of they would tease each other until someone said rock-paper-scissors. It sometime lasted 30 minutes, they would be laughing so hard that the people around them would start laughing with them.  

Pete and Tin notice that Mia was not hanging out with Ping anymore. She would come in classes angry and sit with them. When Pete asked what happened, she would say she had a fight with Ping but never explain what the fight was about. Her sitting with the two bays made Ping more angry resulting in more text and phone calls. Tin felt bad for Mia, because the tests that were coming. They been having test for the last few week, but these next two weeks were the most important. Everybody was doing their best studying and Ping ‘stalking’ Mia wasn’t really helping her.

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