Iffy Iffy

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Can was mad and very sad. His first kiss! His first kiss, that he was saving for someone special. Being that it was just him, his sister and mother, two females he looked up to, he found that they had put romantic and somewhat girly principles in his mind. His mother and Lemon really loved K-drama and other romantic dramas and movies. He was forced to watch them. He would complain, but secretly he liked them. He fantasizes that he would one day meet a nice and sweet girl, who wouldn't find him weird and annoying. She would laugh at his jokes, they would go on a date and talk about everything under the sun. He would walk her home and they would hold hands and then kiss. But Tin had taken the kiss part away from him.

But honestly he hadn't met a girl he liked. He wasn't really interested in the girl he met at the uni. They all looked at him weird or they would find him annoying and too hyper. He didn't have many female friends. And doing a sports major wasn't helping. He had a few girls in his class, but they all were taken, some even had girlfriends.

His mother and Lemon would sometime ask him if he had a crush, but the answer would always be no. Lemon even joked that he might be looking at the wrong sex. He would always scoff when she said that. His own mother even said that he should broaden his view. "My dear boy, when are you going to date!! I have past the point that I wouldn't mind if you brought home a boyfriend. I just want you to date and enjoy live. Even Lemon is dating!! Why are you always stuck at home. Go out and meet someone" Can was shocked, not that his mother didn't care if he brought home a boy or girl, but that Lemon was dating! She was still in High School, she should be focus on her study. But he couldn't say that out loud because Lemon’s grades were always better than his. She was a smart girls. Always getting A's, while he was just getting B's and C's.

Can kept walking the length of his room. From the wall to the door, the scene of Tin pressing his lips on his kept repeating in his mind. He couldn’t get is out of his mind and the more he thought about it the more pissed he became. ‘I’m going to kill him. That nasty roach!

There was a knock on his door, the door open and Lemon’s looked into his room. She didn’t enter “P’Can what are you up to?” Lemon looked consurend. Her mother had told her that Can had rushed into the house and bolted to his room. Their mother had order Lemon to find out what was wrong. Can would usually talk freely to Lemon about his day and feelings, but he couldn’t her that a guy took his first kiss. He was ashamed and he really didn’t know how he should start. So in the end he didn’t say what was really going on, instead he made a lame excuse.    

“No, everything is alright. I just had a busy and the teacher was being mean to me.” He couldn't look Lemon in the face, so she knew that he was lying. She didn't say anything because she knew that there was something he couldn't talk about. “Alright, Mae is nearly finished with the food. Just come down when your ready.” She closed the door and walk downstairs. She waited until her mother turned to look at her. “I don't know what happens Mae. P’Can doesn't want to talk about. I can only think of two things that might have happened; He did something really stupid and he got yelled at or he got rejected by his crush. I’m not going to force him, if he doesn’t want to tell me. I have better things to do.” Her mother rolled her eyes at the last comment. “Just wash up, dinner is in 5. We’ll just have to wait until he tells us.” She turned around to finish the cooking.

After 10 minutes, Can came back downstairs, he had calmed down a bit, but he still looked depressed. He didn’t say anything and he kept on moving his food around. His mother and Lemon kept on looking at Can and then at each other. Can stayed until his mother and Lemon were finished with their food. He stood up “I’m tired, going to shower and then to bed. See you tomorrow, good night” When he was upstairs, Lemon looked at her mother. “I think he got rejected! Can has finally fallen in love!! Oh my God, he got dumped.” She started to laugh, her mother lightly slapped her shoulders. “You shouldn’t laugh at your bother miss fortune. It might be something else. He would have told us if he was in love with any one. Stop gloating and finish the dishes.” Lemon tried to stop laughing, but she couldn’t. Her mother helped dry the dishes and together they when to watch their favourite drama, soon forgetting about what Can’s problem could be.

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