All For You

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When Can arrived at school on Monday there was a buzz at the bulletin-board in front of his school. Al lot of students were standing reading what was plastered on the board. He walked over pushing his way to the front. At first he didn’t understand what he was seeing but before he could react Good and Ae were tearing down the A4 paper of the board. “Are… you… oke…?” Good was holding the crunched up papers in his arms. Like a robot he took one out and unfolded the piece of paper. He saw two pictures of him and Tin in his car. They were taking last Friday. The first pictures was them just talking and smiling, the second was of Tin “kissing” him. The pictures were very clear, it was impossible to say that it wasn’t him. Can couldn’t think or talk. He notice that people were looking at him and whispering. Ae and Good looked at him. They both looked very worried. But he wasn’t worried about himself, he was thinking about Tin. He didn’t care what other people would think about him. He turned around and started running in the direction of the International building. He was nearly at the building when he heard Tin’s voice calling his name. He looked around and saw him standing on the other side of the road. Luckily it was early and there were no cars around. Can run over to Tin. His hair was plastered against his forehead and he was out of breath. “Are you alright. Were the pictures also on your bulletin-board?” Can started to laugh. Tin gave him a worried look. “I’m sorry. It’s just that I wanted to ask the same questions. I was so worried! You don’t have to worry about me. I don’t care what other people will think and people will forget about this soon. I do want to know who would do something like this. What will they gain from this?” Tin grabbed Can and pulled him into a hug. “You are amazing, you know that right? I hate to leave you like this but we still need to do our tests. Can you hold on until 2?” Can giggle, while tucked in Tin’s arms. He sounded muffled. “Don’t worry. I have Good and Ae. I’ll finish around 2.30 and then football practise. I’ll be too busy to worry about those pictures. I didn’t really study for this.” Tin pulled away and looked into Can’s eyes. “I’ll come pick you up, alright?” Can just nodded. Tin turn around to leave but he looked back again. Can smiled and gave him a waive.

Tin was fuming, he knew exactly who done this. ‘Ping that bitch!! You just wait. I’m going to make you suffer.’ Naai’Din had managed to get an appointment with her father this evening. Mia had send her phone history and they had found Ping’s girlfriend. The person who took the pictures on Sunday. She forgot to mention the pictures. This will cost her dearly. He send Naai’Din  a message explaining what just had happened and what he wanted to happen. ‘You know Ping’s girlfriend? I want her charged with invading privacy and defamation. The bitch didn’t tell you that she had taken pictures of me and Can. These are all plastered at school.’ Tin added the A4 as an attachment. 3 seconds later he got a replay from Naai’Din saying that everything would be handled and that he should focus on his tests. Tin took a big breath, he walked into his class with his head held high. He made eye contact with Ping, who had a evil smirk on her face. He gave her first a dead stare and then slowly he gave her his own evil smirk. He kept on looking at her until her smirk faltered. He walk over to where she was sitting and leaned over. He whispered so that only she could hear him. “I don’t think you know me well. I’m about to make you live worse than a living hell. When I’m finished you’ll wish you were never born.” He stood up. He gave her another smirk and walked to sit next to Pete and Mia. He didn’t even look back to see Ping’s reaction. “Are you alright, we saw the flyers.” Pete looked like he was about to cry. Tin gave a laugh, making them both look perplexed. He could hear his classmate talk about the pictures. But knowing that Can is alright and not angry or sad, made it all seem irrelevant. “I’m alright. I also spoke to Can. We are going to figure everything out.” Mia looked at Ping and back. “What did you say to Ping. She look like she has seen a ghost.” Luckily the teacher just walked in and class started. They had presentation the whole day. By 2 o’clock everybody was tired and happy to leave. Tin had a half hour before he would pick up Can. He told Mia and Pete that he need to put out some fires. They didn’t ask any more question. “Will I see you at the football field later?” The both nodded. “Alright see you soon. Don’t let Can leave without me.”

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