Proud Mummy Moment

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Jac slumped down into her padded desk chair with a sigh and fished out the unopened post which she had slung into her handbag in the rush of leaving the house this morning. Bill, bill, bank statement, insurance letter...a small envelope addressed in hand written cursive. Jonny's cursive hand writing. The surgeon slipped her finger along the opening and pulled the card out of the envelope, knowing exactly what she was about to be presented with.
"We would like to invite you to join us on our wedding day on Saturday 20th April 2019." She read out in a mocking high pitched voice and threw the card down on the desk in front of her.
"Who's getting married?" A familiar voice asked from the doorway. Jac jumped and looked up to see Fletch walking casually across her office towards her, a stack of blue files in his hand.
"The father of my child." She stated, taking her glasses off and accepting the files from the nurse.
"Jonny's getting married? To who?" Fletch asked with a frown and backed up to sit on the sofa.
"No clue nor do I care, I'm not going."

"I'm assuming Emma is going to have some part in it right? Bridesmaid maybe?" The DON questioned.
"Bridesmaid. She's already got her dress. God knows why, she's only five years old, she'll probably have grown another one or two sizes by then but hey ho nothing to do with me." She shrugged.
"Don't you want to see your daughter being the cutest thing in the room in her pretty little dress? Have a proud mummy moment?" He pushed.
"She won't need me there. Plus I hate weddings with a passion. I'm not going Fletch and that's final." She stood up from her place and walked round the desk. "Now I need to get back to work and so do you. Out please."

The remaining part of the day whizzed by with Jac in and out of theatre, not getting the chance to see Fletch again so she didn't have to worry about trying to avoid his attempts to change her mind. He was a very persistent man and she would not let him get the better of her.

After Emma had been tucked up in bed later that evening, Jac and Sacha sat down in front of the tv to watch a film under the blanket. At 9:30pm Jac's phone buzzed on the arm of the sofa, alerting her that she had received a message.

Turns out I got an invite too. Was on my doormat when I got home. I'll go if you go? - F

The woman tapped out a reply with a roll of her eyes.

Do I have to? - J

For Emma? - F
It'll be fun, I promise - F

Fine but you break that promise and you'll be forever in my debt. Understood? - J

Yes ma'am - F x

Jac smiled at her phone, glancing over the kiss on the end and wondering if it was just out of habit. Sacha eyed his friend's reaction to the messages that she had been receiving and smirked. Fletch, it had to be he thought.

"What?" The surgeon snapped as she caught him smirking broadly at her.
"What are you smiling at Mrs?" He questioned with a smile of his own.
"Nothing." She replied and locked her phone, placing it back down screen facing downwards.
"Liar." He whispered and turned back to watch the film that he had put on.
"Whatever Levy, go back to your soppy film and stop bullying me will you." She playfully scolded him.

A few minutes later, Jac's phone danced around on the arm again as it vibrated. Sacha smirked as she snatched it up immediately.

Kids all in bed, how's life with Levy? - F x

And of course she immediately tapped out a response once more.

Not too bad, he hogs the shower a bit in the mornings and puts on soppy films like right now though. - J x

I thought you had become a bit smelly lately ; ) - F x

Oi you! I don't smell! : ( - J x

I'm joking, please don't kill me in my sleep or something - F x

I know where you live Fletcher, you better watch out - J x

Sacha had no clue what the pair were saying but Sacha hadn't seen her smile this much since before Christmas so clearly Fletch was saying something right. He knew how Jac felt about him, it was obvious. He just prayed that Fletch wouldn't break her heart or let her break her own heart by hurting him.

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