His Blue Eyes

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Keith walked into the extravagant building, his eyes catching a certain prince and king bickering. "But why do I have to have a partner when abuela and abuleo come in?!" Prince Lancelot argued. "They have been waiting years to see you with a lovely maiden! Even if no interests you, you should at least keep your families interest in mind as well as your kingdoms. I cant bestow the kingdom upon you unless your married." King Alfor replied. Keith just stood there awkwardly til King Alfor took notice of Keith's presence. "Oh, sorry about that Keith. Take a seat." King Alfor politely apologized.

"I'm sorry about barging in." Keith quietly apologized. Alfor chuckled. "Oh please, you are quite all right. So, I'm glad to see you came." Alfor smiled. Keith smiled back. Suddenly, Kosmo started to make his way towards Lancelot. Lancelot eyes widened. Keith started cursing quietly, scared of the possible situation. Lancelot smiled warmly. Kosmo panted happily, resting his head in Lancelot's lap. Keith sighed. "So, what is it you wanted to discuss?" Keith asked. Alfor then moved in his seat, getting serious.

"Well, my family is coming in for Allura's birthday and have been waiting for so long to see Lance with a partner now. So, I, undercover of course, took a stroll through the town center and you struck as the best option. Lance has seen every maiden in this kingdom of ours, and has not seen any interest. So I thought of taking a boy and making him look like a maiden. That's what I planned on doing with you. But you don't have to if you don't want. If you do, after the amount of time is done, I will give you all the money you could ever need and any piece of land you want." King Alfor informed Keith.

Keith nodded slowly, taking in all the information. "So how long is this going to be?" Keith asked. "A month." Alfor replied. Keith nodded. "Y'know what? Sure, what's the worse that could happen?" Keith chuckled. Alfor smiled. "Perfect, let me go get a room set up for you. You stay here and... talk to Lance." Alfor agreed. Keith nodded again. Lance simply pet Kosmo's head, refusing to acknowledge Keith. 

"Um...Hey, my name's Keith, I'm sorry that I-"Keith started, walking over to Lance, before being interrupted.  "Look, Keith, you do realize your going to dress up as a girl for a month, have your waist be cinched, wear a hot ass dress, act like a proper lady, and pretend your dating me. Are you sure you can do all that?" Lance asked, getting seemingly closer to Keith. Keith backed up to the wall. "Hmm? Cat got your tounge?" Lance asked, getting too close for comfort, his breath sending shivers down Keith's spine. Keith blushed madly. "Well?" Lance asked again.

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