A New Girl

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"So Kayla. Wanna go around town?" Lance asked. Keith nodded. "Sure, where the worse that could happen?" Keith questioned. Ashleigh chuckled. "So much." Ashleigh replied. Ok so maybe Keith was a little nervous. "Heh heh hehhhh." Keith nervously chuckled. "Alright lets go. Anything you need my to pick up Ashleigh?" Lance asked, ignoring her comment. "Actually yes, I do. I need you to get some more meat from the town center. As well some spices. Here's the money for it and here's the list of what you need." Ashleigh replied. Lance nodded, taking the shillings and the list from her hand. "Thank you, and Ke-Kayla, if you get the dress dirty then please, once you get back, take the dress off and hand it to me to wash. Have a good time in town." Ashleigh smiled.

Keith nodded and walked out of the castle with Lance. What awaited them was a brilliant big carriage in the color of light blue and pink, the most common colors in their kingdom, dare I say it, their kingdom colors. Lance opened the carriage door and bowed. "M'lady." Lance chuckled. Keith giggled back, stepping inside the carriage. Keith sat down and peered out the window. "Hey, how you holdin up, Princess~" Lance sniggered. Keith held his head high, he would not bow down to this, this, this snob headed prick...Even if he's kind of hot. "I'm doing fantastic." Keith smiled. He lied, his feet were aching, he could barely breathe, and he was rather hot. But nonetheless, he hoped Lance wouldn't see that.

"Oh, don't worry, soon you'll be begging to return to your old life, but for now, I must act." Lance said as he got out of the carriage. Lance held the door open for Keith, Keith nodding and smiling as he stepped out. Some of the people who were around awed at Keith. He was more beautiful than the queen. But the funny thing is, he isn't a she. But they don't know different. "Thank you, Lance." Keith mocked in a feminine voice. Lance nodded, smiling back at Keith. "So, where would the meat and spices be in the town center?" Lance asked. "Well, follow me, I know this place better then my own self." Keith commented, in his feminine voice. Lance nodded, following Keith to the town center. "Alright, lets see... There it is!" Keith quietly mumbled to himself.

Keith then lead Lance to the stand. "Hello, Prince Lancelot and..." The stand owner introduced, then pausing as he didn't know Keith's name under his disguise. "My fiancé, Kayla, Princess Kayla Of Madonia." Lance calmly replied, lacing his fingers with Keith's and kissing his cheek. Keith blushed deeply. "Oh, that's wonderful, it's a pleasure to meet you Princess Kayla." He shop owner smiled, taking Keith's hand in his and kissing his hand lightly. Keith was a little grossed out but didn't let it show. "Oh no, the pleasures all mine." Keith replied, smiling. Keith was great at the feminine voice but he needed to keep it constant. He knew just the thing. "So what'll it be?" The shop owner asked. Lance looked at the list and named it off.

"A half pound of mutton, a quarter pound of venison, and a pound of bear meat." Lance replied. The shop owner got all of that and placed it in front of Lance. "Would you like that delivered or do you want to take it with you now?" The shop owner asked. "I'll take it." Lance answered. The shop owner nodded, handing over the meat. "That'll be 10 shillings." The shop owner replied. Lance nodded, handing him the shillings. The shop owner thanked him and Lance and Keith left to the next vendor.

They walked to the next store of interest. "Woah! Omg! Papa! Father! It's the prince!" The girl sitting on the stool yelled at her two fathers. The two men rushed over. "H-hello. How are you today your highness." The smaller man stuttered nervously, Bowing before Lance. "I'm doing well today. How are you?" Lance asked, bowing as well. "Good, so what in our shop interests you?" The man asked. "Well we need some spices and word around us that your shop has the best spices for the cheapest prices." Lance smiled. "We do. What are you looking for?" The man asked. "We need Basil, oregano, ginger, and garlic." Lance replied. "Ahh, we just got a fresh batch of ginger, and oregano. Let me go get those for you." The man replied.

The man grabbed the spices and placed it on the counter. "Alright that'll be 7 shillings please." The man asked. Lance nodded, handing him 7 shillings. "Have a good day." The man smiled. "Alright were all done here-" Lance said before being interrupted. Keith stopped him. "We're not, I'm not going to be able to keep this voice up, I need a potion for it." Keith said, his voice cracking a bit from using a feminine voice. Lance nodded slowly. "And where exactly are we getting this potion?" Lance asked. "Follow me." Keith said. Keith walked to a closed off section of the town center, there was a hut, closed off with dark blue drapes. Lance stayed close to Keith, his hands clutching at Keith's dress. Keith peered into the hut.

"May I come in?" Keith asked. "Of course, you bring a great guest." The mysterious woman welcomes. Keith smiles, walking in and looking at the woman. "What is it you seek, young one?" The woman asked Keith. "I'm looking for a potion to turn my voice to a female voice." Keith said, in his name voice. "Ah, but you should use the potion to turn you to a woman." The woman tried. "How long does it last?" Keith asked. "A day." The woman replied. "Well how long does the voice potion last?" Keith asked. "A week." The woman replied. "Ok, I'll take 3 of those. How much does it cost?" Keith replied. "13 shillings." She replied. "Do we have enough?" Keith asked Lance. Lance nodded, passing it to Keith. "Here you are." Keith passed to the woman.

The woman nodded, handing three potions to Keith. "Good luck." The woman said as Keith and Lance walked away. "So you should probably take that potion now, right?" Lance asked. "Yeah." Keith answered. He moved to a nearby alley for no suspicion. He then took a swig of the potion and it immediately tasted like flowers and fruits. "Mmmmm. So good." Keith moaned in his new voice. Lance flushed anew color of red. Lance inched closer to Keith. "Lance? What are you-" Keith asked before feeling a pair of lips being placed against his own.

Keith panicked, but couldn't help but melt into Lance's touch. Lance threaded his fingers through Keith's long, inky, locks. Lance licked Keith's bottom lip, asking for an entrance. Keith resisted his touch, but suddenly a moan erupted from his throat. Lance had tugged on Keith's hair. Lance slipped his tongue in, starting a very heated make out session. Lance sucked on Keith's tongue, causing Keith to moan louder. Lance then pulled away, smirking widely. "W-why did you do that?!" Keith asked in his feminine voice. "Because your voice is just so hot~" Lance seductively whispered. "B-but it's not even me!!" Keith yelled.

"Mm, yeah, but I wonder what your normal voice would sound like moaning my name under me." Lance whispered to himself. "S-shut up!" Keith yelled, punching Lance in the arm. Lance just laughed. "W-what the hell?! Did that woman scan me?! I can feel weights on my chest?! And I'm weaker!" Keith started panicking. Lance stopped laughing. "What?! What do you mean?" Lance tried to calm Keith down, but it wasn't working. "KEITH! Listen to me. I need you to calm down and tell me what is happening." Lance tried again, he then cupped Keith's face and whispered sweet nothings. "Im a girl now." Keith whispered with tears in his-her eyes.

"Ssh, it's ok. It's going to be ok. Let's go back to the castle." Lance quietly calmed Keith. Keith nodded. Lance picked Keith up bridal style and kept cooing to him. Keith nuzzled into Lance's chest, he smelt like the ocean and flowers. Keith 'purred' in pleasure. Lance chuckled at the vibration. "Your cute." Lance winked. Keith just grumbled as he blushed harder. "Your just saying that." Keith mumbled into Lance. "No, I kinda thought that the whole time. Even when you were a dude." Lance smiled. Keith just groaned into Lance, blushing more.

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