Dancing The Night Away Pt.1

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"Thank you again for letting us stay in your kingdom. I owe you one." Alfor smiled. Queen Halor chuckled. "Oh but you don't, old friend, I enjoyed your stay. If you ever need assistance, just know I'm a letter away." Queen Halor grinned. Alfor nodded. "Well, I 'oughta be off by now. Thank you for letting us stay." Alfor suggested. Queen Halor nodded. "It was a pleasure having you stay. Come again some time." Queen Halor replied. Alfor nodded again and walked to his family. "Alright, Lance, can you get the horses set up?" Alfor asked. Lance nodded and went to the carriage, fixing the horses reins and attaching them to the carriage. "Thank you son. Make sure to help the family into the carriage." Alfor thanked Lance, then hopping up to sit in the drivers seat (?).

Lance went to the carriage and helped the female and old members of his family into the carriage. Then Kayla came up to Lance. Lance smirked as he helped her up, copping her butt in the process. "Hey!" Kayla shrieked. Lance just laughed wholeheartedly. "Come on, get in princess." Lance chuckled. Kayla smiled and sat down net to Allura. Lance stood on the step and hit the side of the carriage, signaling for his father to start riding. The carriage slowly but surely started to move, making Lance shut the door and sit down next to Kayla. Lance fake yawned and raised his arms, slowly placing one around Kayla's shoulders. Kayla giggled, causing the others to look at her and chuckle lightly at Lance. "Did you seriously use 'the move' on me?" Kayla asked, a smile on her face.

Lance hummed. "Mmm I don't know, did I?" Lance replied, smooching Kayla on the cheek. Kayla giggled as her cheeks turned red. Everyone in the carriage awed at the two, even the little girls and boys. Kayla just hid behind her lover, causing everyone to chuckle in amusement. "I love you." Lance said smiling. Kayla sighed and smiled back. "I love you too." Kayla replied, her smile wavering. Lance noticed this but didn't say a word, then turning to talk to one of his family members. Suddenly, Kayla felt a light tap on her shoulder. Kayla jumped in surprise at the sudden touch. "Sorry, didn't mean to scare you. I just wanted to ask about what happens last night." Allura apologized.

Kayla frowned. "It's fine, nothing happened." Kayla replied. Allura tutted and shook her head. "Your lying. Just tell the truth. I want to help you Kayla." Allura tried again. Kayla sighed. "Last night, I ran out crying because... because Nyma was in there with him. She was trying to seduce him, so I though he was cheating on me. But of course I was wrong." Kayla whispered. Allura's eyes widened in surprise. "Good thing Lance wasn't, otherwise  I'd beat him up and teach him a lesson." Allura replied. Kayla chuckled softly. "Thank you Allura. But it's fine, really." Kayla said, assuring the younger girl. "Alright, if he does it again, tell me and I'll beat his butt." Allura agreed. Kayla giggled and nodded. Lance smiled and blushed as he heard her giggle. Oh how her laugh was beautiful and sweet. He's glad that Keith agreed to this.

Time Skip

"Everyone one to the dining hall." Alfor yelled down the hall. Kayla got up from her place on the bed and walked out of her room. Her heels clicked against the floor as she headed to the dining hall. When she entered, she found everyone was there except for Lance. She took a seat next to Allura and sat proper. Allura smiled at the girl and pat her on the back. Kayla grinned back and waited for Lance to arrive. Lance finally walked in after what felt like an hour. "Hey baby." Lance said lazily as he smiled at Kayla. Kayla smiled back as her shattered at the word. "Hey." Kayla quietly replied. Lance grinned and kissed her cheek as he sat down. She blushed a light pink. Once everyone was situated, Alfor started to talk.

"Alright, so everyone, how do you feel about hosting a dance for our allies at the end of next week? This would be a good way to find help with restoring our kingdom after the attacking from the Galra. " Alfor asked. Everyone quickly discussed and agreed on it but not before a question arised. "Why next week?" Lance asked. Kayla realized the problem with this and quickly agreed. "Yeah, why not host it at the beginning of next week, or even the end of this week?" Kayla suggested erratically. "Sorry, But it would be better to hold this at the end of next week, so that those who are not in the kingdom can arrive. As well as the act that we need to clean the kingdom up, help those in need, prepare the castle, and send out invitations." Alfor informed the two. They both nodded sadly.

"Glad to see you finally agree. Well, everyone is off to do whatever they please." Alfor smiled. Everyone stood up and started to disperse, talking wildly. Lance tapped Kayla on the shoulder. "Hey, I was wondering if you wanted to maybe... I don't know... cuddle with me?" Lance gradually got quieter. Kayla smiled and nodded. "Of course." Kayla replied and walked with Lance to his room. Kayla and Lance just continuously kissed each others faces til they arrived at Lances room. Everything was finally going right...but little did they know, things were only just talking a turn for the worse.

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