Part 1

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Your curation in your room was shut as it always was, blocking any view from the outside, regardless you sat at your desk trying to focus, but you felt a cold piercing into the back of your head. This feeling was nothing new to you, you felt it often but every so often, it would get to you, and make you question if you where really alone or not. Now was one of those times. You sat in you room trying to catch up on the latest creepypasta, so needless to say times like these you would blame you freaking your self out, by reading scary stories at 3 am. After hours of surfing creepypasta wiki, you deiced you skied yourself out enough, and you should at least get a few hours of sleep before school in the morning. 

Your alarm goes off, you check your phone for the time read 6:30am," whoever came up with the idea of school starting before the ass crack of dawn should be shot"  you mumble to yourself. You then put your phone back down, and groggily crawl out of bed, making your way to your bathroom. You play with yourself, making sure your alive and to your disappointment you were, meaning you had to go to school. 

You walk out of your bedroom and begin to get dressed, nothing special just a hoodie and some pants with your converse. You pull your hair up, grab your earbuds, and swing your backpack over your shoulder and begin to make your way downstairs where your mother is preparing breakfast. You put your bag on the chair in front of your father who was reading the newspaper, in his suit and tie ready for work. 

"morning mom and dad" you say pulling out your chairing and sitting down smiling "whats cooking?" 

"bacon and eggs, you need the protein" your mother hands you a plate and stops to look at you "you where up late last night weren't you?" she cocks and eyebrow at you knowing full well that you where. 

"uhhh..ya..bu-" you where interrupted by a light mask on the hand, nothing that has ever came close to leaving a bruise or any harm. 

"You know how i feel about you staying up late reading those stories on a school night, on the weekends i don't care, but you need your rest so your not sleeping through class" Your mother turns around and starts making a second plate for your father and hands it to him. She gives him a quick kiss on the cheek as she set the plate down. 

"Thank you honey, and (N/A) listen to your mother, i can't have any daughter of mine sleeping through class" your father winked at you and gave a soft smile, you knew what he was implying. You and your father never had much in common, he was a banker, and you wanted to be a writer, your guys logic just classed naturally, however you two would never argue, or fight, your always solve your guys problems though video games. You two would always get into when you would play Mario, something your mother would even join in on sometimes. If you slept through class, your grades would slip, which meant getting grounded until you brought them up, meaning no video games with dad..or at all.

You smile softly, and nod "i'll be fine, don't worry guys." you start to shove food in your face, when you finish your plate, you stand up and rinse it off and set it aside. You walk over to the table grab your bag and give your mom a kiss on the cheek "i got to go, or i'll be late again" 

You again swing your bag over your shoulder and walk out the door putting in your earbuds, and kicking a can. With your music blasting you begin to walk down the sidewalk kicking a can all the way to school. Humming the words to your favorite song, you approach your school, to see a large crowd at the front of the entrance. You assume another fight, but as you get closer, you see police cars, you take out your earbuds and ask one of your classmates who were in the back of the crowd what was going on. 

"somebody broke into the school, and rampaged through several classrooms." she looks at you clearly on edge "they say whoever it was, was looking for someone or something" You looked at her with wide eyes, when a cop stands up above the crowd and begins to speak. 

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