Part 7

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Jeff holds you for a few hours, soothing you as you cry softly. The feeling of being in his arms made you smile, he was warm, and safe...somewhat. He wasn't safe overall, he was still an unstable murder, however knowing how much he wants to protect you..Jeff rested his back on the back of your bed frame, as he held you in his chest. He gently strokes your hair breathing softly trying not to disturb you. You wrap your arms around him burring your face in his chest more. 

You and Jeff both bolt up when you hear a soft knock on your door. "(Y/N), can i come in?" your mother asked from the other side of the door. 

"give me just a moment, i'm changing." You grab Jeff by the hand and pull him into the bathroom. You shut the door softly and lock it. 

Another knock on your door. "it's your father, i would like to talk as well."

"just a second" you say making your way to the door unlocking it, and letting your parents in the door. Your father and mother both walk in, with a police officer behind them. "whats up?" you ask as calmly as possible. 

"this is officer barbrady, we all agreed that it would be best if he kept watch overnight, and drove you to and from school for a while." 

what about would he get out of the house what if they find him...

"no, i don't think it is unnecessary, and that;s way to much. I mean like watching over the entire night. That just so..much" You say trying to keep the worry out of your voice. 

"this isn't up for debate, he will watch over the house over night, and will take you to and from school in the morning, and in the evening" You father said with a stern voice. You sign and nod in agreement knowing there was no arguing with him once he made up him mind. 

Your mother kisses your forehead "i love you, if you want i can make some food and we can have some family time." your mother smiles her heart warming smile. 

"thanks, but i would like to be alone right now." Your mother nods and leaves with your father and the officer. Once gone you shut the door locking it. You take a deep breath, and breath out trying to relax. You walk over to the bathroom and unlock the door for Jeff. However the room was look in your bathtub to see if he was sitting in there, which he was. 

"they are gone, you can come out now."  Jeff nods and stands up, you step aside and let him out, as he leaves you follow closing your bathroom door. 

"so what now..." Jess asks looking at you

"what do you mean..?" you look at Jeff perched on your bed. 

"your going to be constantly under watch, as well as your house, i'm not going to be able to get in and out." 

"ya...i know.." you walk to your window and see that the Barbrady is already on watch "i don't know what we are going to do.." you look at Jeff You can hear soft mumbles of him cursing under his breath. "hey Jeff..can you explain what happened..?" 

Jeff looks at you confused "what do you mean"

"what happened to make you.." you trail off unsure of the right words to say

"insane?" Jeff looks at you with no expression. "crazy, scary, a murder, a fucking psychopath tha-" 

"i meant your smile" you say slightly panicked 

Jeff looks at you wide eyed "Jeff places his hand on his cheeks feelings the cuts, "oh..this.."  He chuckles softly "well...i did it"

You look at Jeff confused as you walk over to your bed and sit next to him. "what do you mean?" 

"well, i was in the hospital cause i got severely burned, and when my bandages where removed, i loved the way i look, it made me smile, i wanted to smile forever. But after a while it i did i could smile forever." 

"i like your smile" you smile softly You see the corners of his lips perk up slightly as well, Jeff kisses you on the cheek, "your not to bad at lying you know." The two of you chuckle softly together. 

...that feeling....

You hardly noticed it being with Jeff. Jeff stands and shuts all of the window curtains so nobody can see in or out. "what are you doing..?" 

"he is here, and he is watching" Jeff said as he made sure your door was lock, which it was. 

"who is here?" You watch Jeff as he paced around the room like a mad man

"you don't wanna know, so don't go looking for answers, its better if you don't anyways" Jeff crawls on top of you, looking wild, like he just had a brush with death itself and lived. "but it's ok, i'll protect you and i wont let anything ever harm you. I promise" Jeff then kisses you, forcing himself onto you. 

"Jeff wha-" You were cut off by him once more kissing you. You try to crawl out from under him, but him then grabs your hands and pins you down. 

"you are mine and there is nothing you or anybody or anything can do about it"  As soon as he says that, a large gust of wind blows your wind open, and wills your room with wind blowing furiously in every direction. You see a long black..something crawl into your room, then several more. Jeff bolts up and slams your window shut. He shut those things out as well. He locked your window and closed the curtains again.  

"what where thous things.." you look at Jeff scared out of your mind.

"apart of him.." you lean up on the bed. If thous things where apart of decided it would be best to listen to Jeff and not try and get involved. You nodded and watch as Jeff crawled in bed behind you. He warped his arms around you and help you close. You slowly begin to relax laying on his chest. You hear his heart racing, you thought it was going to burst at first, but it slowed down after a while. 

It was soothing, and somewhat comforting. It's odd moments ago he was on top of you, forcing himself onto you...but now he was holding you like his life depended on it. His heart slowed more as he slowly drifted asleep. You feel asleep shortly after, listing to the soothing sound of his heart.  

You awoke to your alarm going off again. You slowly leaned up, Jeff pulled you down under the blankets. 

"morning" Jeff smiled slightly and kissed your cheek

"morning" You said through a yawn. 

"ill stay here until you go to school, then i'll sneak out when you are taken to school and it's safe."  Jeff cuddles you and holds you tighter. You nod holding him, not wanting to let go. 

A soft knock on your door, " (Y/N) are you up? Officer Barbrady is outside when your ready to go to school." You mother said on the other side of the door. 

"alright, ill be down soon" You say as you try and get out of Jeff's arms. In annoyance he let go. You took off your shirt and as you did you could feel Jeff's eyes. 

You turned to look at him, blushed a deep red. "can you not..." 

"not what" Jeff says as his expression turns from playful to confused. 

"stair at me while im changing." you cover your chest slightly. Jeff rolls his eyes and turns onto his other side. Once his gaze is no long fixed on you, you quickly finished getting dressed. You look at him, laying there with the sudden inexpiable urge to kiss him. A soft peck on the cheek. Kiss the same man who kidnapped you, beat you, stalked you, and so much why..?

"i-i got to go, ill see you..whenever this calms down if not sooner." you shove the thought into the back of your mind. You walk out of your bedroom looking at Jeff one last time before you shut the door. You walk down stairs grabbing your bag and walking twords the Officer who is standing by the door. 

"ready?" officer barbrady asks looking at you. You nod heading out the door. '

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