Part 2

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The next day was Saturday, so you didn't have school so you had the day to do whatever. You decided to try and figure out who that man was last night, but first a shower. you felt gross,more so your body then anything. Surprisingly, the one part of your body that felt even remotely clean, was your lips. Your mind kept going back to last night, more specifically the kiss from last night. It was brief, but it felt like an entirety.It wasn't your first, there were plenty before but this was different, not sure why, or what about it was different, it just was.  You feel a soft blush on your checks, you shake your head and stand up and begin to take your cloths off as you walk into the bathroom. 

...That feeling, its there but softly...

You ignore it like normal, trying to not think of last night. You step in the shower and turn on the water, i feel the water run down your hair and down your body as you stand there. You look down at the necklace for a few moment before you begin to wash your body. You use a new body wash you recently bought, it smelled like Cotton Candy,  wanted to see if it really smelled like it, and it did, which you were thankful for. You wash your hair and turned off the water. You then reached out and grabbed a tolw to dry off with. You stepped out and dried off, once dry you wrapped the towl around your body. You step out of the bathroom and into your room. You notice a little bag on your bed. you pick it up and examine it. It was a simple plane white bag, nothing on it, not even a ribbon. It looked like a bag you would get from a check out section of a store. Just without a brand on it. You open the bag and take a stuffed turtle. 

"like it?" a voice came from behind, you quickly turned around and seen the man from last night standing in the doorway of the bathroom. You quickly grab a pillow and throw it at him, hugging the turtle close trying to cover as much as your chest as you can. "Get out of my room! don't you know never to sneak up on a girl when naked!" you shouted. "not to mention the fact i don't know who the hell you, so get out of my house!" you then throw the turtle at him, just wanting him to go away. 

the sound of a soft sigh seemed to escape his lips, you can't really tell his face was covered again. "so you don't like it?" he picked up the turtle  and brushed off the dirt. 

"i-i do, but im naked, an-" you were cut off but a soft chuckle "whats so funny?"

"you didn't seem to care earlier when you where taking off your cloths." He chuckled softly.  A dark blush emerged across your face. 

"i appreciate your...kind...actions....however i don't even know your name, and im not interested in you, so please leave and let me get dressed." You cover your chest trying to make your towl cover as much as possible. He steps forward and holds the turtle "PLEASE JUST GO!" you scream at him, he steps back and he nods. He walks back into the bathroom and shuts the door. You rush over to your dresser and got dressed as fast as you can. Once dressed you ran to your bathroom and opened the door, when you looked in he was gone. You felt arms wrap around your waist "miss me?" a soft wisper in your ear. You quickly step away and turn around back facing the sink. He was in the doorway standing there, again hair draped across his face. 

You make a face clearly annoyed "if you are going to keep sneaking up on my like that, please at least give me a name to call you." you couldn't hide the annoyance in your voice. 

"Jeff, i suppose" he walked up to you, and placed his on the sink trapping you in between them. The one good thing, if you could even call it that, about being that close was that you could see his eye. They were all white with a little black in the eye severing as the only form of color inside. The outside of his eyes had rings black as his hair. As terrifying as it was, it was also hypnotic, the kinda where you wanted to look away so badly, but couldn't. He brushed his hair out of his face, revealing a once human figure. His skin was as white as snow, and his mouth was cut into a smile both ends going from each corner of his mouth up to his cheek. 

Without thinking you duck under his arms and make a run for it twords the stairs. Just as you were about to open  he grabbed your wrist, and pulled you close, he held on tight with one hand, and the other hand he held a knife to your through. "make a noise and ill slice your fucking neck in half. got that bitch?" Your eyes wide looking back at him, you silently nod your head. He gives out a soft chuckle and lets go of your wrist, followed by a swift blow to the back your head with the handle of his knife, knocking you out cold. 

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