Part 4

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You slowly open your eyes thankful to see a familiar surrounding. You were in your room. You breathed a sigh of relief, trying to forget about the deal, about Jeff, about his face. Mostly about the kiss. You crawl under the blankets and roll over, you take the pillow out from under your head and hold it in your arms. You try and fall back asleep. You hear a soft humming, you knew who it was without looking, you just pretended to be asleep. wanting to really sleep without being hit or knocked out. The humming gets closer, and you feel a weight on your bed. You turn to face what was on your bed, knowing that it wasn't going to let you ignore it. You open your eyes and see your mother. 

"mom?" you say about to bust into tears. You wanted to tell her everything, you wanted to call the cops, and get a restraining order, be done with it all. But you couldn't...he kept his word, you have to as well.  You shot up and hugged her tightly. She hugged back. 

"everything alright sweetie?" you held you with one arm, and stroked your hair with the other. You give a little sniffle, and nod your head just happy to be in your mothers arms. 

"its late sweetheart, you should sleep," You nod, rubbing your eyes, then lay back down. Your mother covers you with your blankets, and kissed your cheek. "Goodnight sweetie, i love you" 

"i love you to" you mumble already half asleep. The weight on your bed lifted and you heard your door open, and close. After feeling safe, knowing your parents where home, you quickly fell asleep. 

Sunday morning...You rolled your eyes at the sight of the sun and rolled over trying to go back to sleep. The events of the weekend left you just wanting to sleep. Sleep through the day, breakfast, lunch, dinner, and homework. Especially homework. School was the last thing you wanted to think of right now. You lay down trying to sleep, with your mind racing. After about an hour, you give up and get out of bed slowly, walking to the bathroom. You step dead in your tracks when you see the dark rings, under your right eye.  A black eye. He hit you so hard, he gave you a black eye. How where you going to hide this from your parents? what would you tell people? You lift your shirt, revealing bruises, ranging from green and purple, to a light pink. What have you gotten yourself into..? Jeff was crazy, he left countless bruises on you, and even a black eye..something needs to be done. 

You take your shirt off looking for anything else. Nothing thankfully.  You change your cloths and Look for something to cover your eye with, nothing..You take a deep breath and start thinking of lies to tell your parents countless went through your head before you decided on, you hit your head off your desk when you fell off your bed. You falling off wasn't anything uncommon, you moved alot in your sleep, you had a small bed, so it happened alot. You sigh and walked down stairs wanting to avoid your parents hopping they don't notice you. 

"Morning swee-" your mother stopped when she seen your eye though to yourself, knowing right away why she was stopped mid sentence. "What happened to your eye?!" she walks up to you and inspects your eye some. 

"i feel off my bed last night, i think i hit my head on my nightstand in the process." you were use to lying, something you weren't proud of, but thankful you were good at it. You let her mess with your face, flinching when she would go to touch it. 

Your mother lets out a sigh, "you should really move your stand away from your bed, so this wont happen again. It looks like your getting beaten." 

You smile a laugh slightly, "i can tell people i beat up some guy, but he got a good hit." you laugh, you never fought anybody in your life, you weren't a fighter. Never have been, your mother knew this, as well as most of the school. So an obvious lie. Your mother looked at you and shook her head. 

"This is serious, i cant have another call from the school. It stresses me out and if the school thinks that we are beating you, they can call child services" She crosses her arm, extremely amused by your joke. Your expression changes and nod.

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