Part 13

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When you came to you were in a bed. The blanket was red and thick, the wood was new and well painted. You looked around some were in your parents room...'what the hell' you thought to yourself. 'this is getting way to surreal..' You lift the cover of yourself, and go to stand, but your meet with extreme pain all over your body. you brush it off and go to find your parents. 

" home?" you call out walking into the kitchen. 

You see your mom quickly turn around and her eyes brim with tears. "(Y/N)..oh my god where were you" she quickly rushed over to you and held you tight in her arms. "we were so worried about you.." you felt the tears wet the back of your shirt.

you wrap your arms around her "i missed you too mom, i was so scared, i thought i was going to die" you begin to cry unable to hold back tears. 

your mother quickly lets you go and looks at you "(Y/N) what do you mean? what happened?" You broke down crying. you told her everything..about Jeff, and Liu and Jane.  once finished you sat on the couch crying, looking at the turtle necklace that now laid on the coffee table in front of you, while your mom was on the phone with the police. Once your mother hung up the phone she sat next to you, "(Y/N), why didn't you say anything when we were at the police station. You lied when they asked if you knew him."

"i cant explain it.." you bury your head in your hands.."i just..felt like it was the right thing to do..."

Your mother shook her head, "but you know that's not true, so why"

you shake your head, "i don't know...."

your mother lets out a sigh as somebody knocks on the door. She gets up to answer it, and lets in the police. 

"We are here to collect the phone." one of the police offers say. you look up confused. 

"what...they are taking my phone?" you ask confused. 

your mother nods, "they need it for evidence, it might help catch this guy.." your mother hands over the phone to the police officer. He nods, and puts it in a zip lock bag. 

"anything else, anything he touched?" the officer looks at you. 

you think for a moment and shake your head, "no, nothing i can think of"  your mother nods, and the officers leave. As they do you hide the necklace in your pocket. "i'm going to go to my room.."

"are you sure? your father will be home soon. i'm sure a family movie will do us all some good." 

You nod, "that sounds nice, ill be out. I just want to change." your mother nods, and you head upstairs. Once your in your room, you quickly hide your necklace. 'i love this...but its all i have of him..i cant risk them taking it...' you let out a sigh and turn around, as soon as you do, your lips are meet with a cold, but familiar pair of lips. "jeff...." you whisper softly your eyes welling up with tears as  you see his face. 

Jeff smiles at you "hey.."

you hug him close burring your face in his chest. "Jeff, i'm so happy your ok." you quickly take a step back. "you cant be here, the cops took my phone, they know everything. It isn't safe for you." Jeff quickly kisses you again.

"i don't rather see you and risk going back to jail, then to live another moment without you.." Jeff wraps his arms around you holding you close. You begin to cry softly. 

"Jeff, i don't want them to catch you. Please...go.." you kiss his lips softly. 

jeff places his lip on your forehead and lets out a sigh "...fine..ill contact you as soon as i can.." you nod and watch him jump out of the window..onto a tree...then into the woods..

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