the truth told

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i think we'd still be friends


Serenity opens the door of her home to a close friend of hers.

Hoseok's girlfriend.

The girl Serenity has known for years and approves of as a friend and as her best friends girlfriend, hugs her closely as they rock back and forth. Her loose sallow waves falling out of her braid flick across Serenity's startled face.

When they pull apart, the friend mentions that she's in a rush and wants to simply drop something off. It's then that Serenity notices the unusual look in her friends eyes, the contrasting colour of them hold trouble and nervousness.

The younger girl grips the end of her blazer before letting out a sigh and pulling out a white envelope. Serenity is aware of her being blunt, it's a quality her and Hoseok have grown to look up to, it brings out her genuineness.

"I thought you might need closure." She hands the paper envelope to Serenity before leaving immediately.

Serenity begins to feel anguish creeping into her body as she reads her name on top of the envelope. As soon as she sees the letter inside, she feels slightly faint at Hoseok's reply, one that was hidden away from her for years.

The next day, an unmindful, bright, scarlet haired Hoseok arrives at Serenity's house- wanting to hang out with her (and Jungkook) like he usually does. He turns up, he's more than welcomed into their home and he likes spending time with his newly wed friend of many years.

Serenity is sat at the table, pages of work and dispersed pens in front of her. She wasn't expecting his presence but is more than pleased to see him... but the odd feeling in her stomach when he sits down opposite her, makes her feel faint again and he seems oblivious.

So Serenity decides to be blunt.

Her words interrupt his knuckles knocking against the table. "You know i got your letter right?" She speaks, clicking her pen as they stare at each other.

Hoseok doesn't bother to deny her words or give her a surprised reaction. "She gave it to you, didn't she?" He asks swiftly, already knowing the answer to his question. He rolls his eyes and stands up, a scoff leaving his chapped lips.

Serenity stands up too, noticing how he turns his body away from her, feeling the isolation he is displaying. She walks to stand in front of him as he leans his palm on the large table. "So all that time i liked you, you liked me too?"

Hoseok nods slowly, not meeting his friends eyes. He hates not being in control of his life situations. There's angst in the air between them and Serenity is reminded of the memory of her chasing him at the train station, trying to explain to him that the letters meant nothing... especially his. They were young. He ended up replying to hers, feeling more than she realised and she feels her heart hurt.

Serenity leans her side against the table, still looking at Hoseok who's not able to meet her eyes. The silence that forms between them is one that is essential, neither of them want to talk about it.

"I wish you never left me."

Serenity's sentence hangs in the air and Hoseok straightens his posture, clearing his throat as he nods.

"Me too."

Serenity huffs and tries to bring light to the conversation. It's rare to see her normally optimistic friend in such a state. "Just don't leave me again." But behind her small laugh, there's meaning.

Hoseok curses, looking up after so long and their tan eyes meet. He steps forward and wraps one arm around Serenity's neck, pulling her into his warm chest. "I won't." He promises. "You're my best friend." And they hug for a while.

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