losing it

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Taehyung walks into Serenity's home, taking off his shoes with a smile.

A forced smile.

His eyes look around for his friend, knowing Jungkook is not at home. He's here for Serenity and the palms of his hand feel clammy, he hasn't seen her since the funeral and has been told by Jungkook that she isn't doing well.

Jungkook didn't tell him that she needed help or assurance. Taehyung just had an instinctual feeling that when she's alone she needs someone.

He finds her in the living room, seated on the edge of the couch, her dainty hands on her thighs as she stares at the boring carpet. Her hair is in frizzy curls, laying around her shoulders which she tries to shove into a hair bun. She's sitting in the empty room with nothing but silence, her phone isn't beside her and she looks alone. Taehyung watches her, his steps silent as she moves her hands to press against her cheeks- her beige eyes still closed and she lets out a deep, apprehensive sigh. She only notices him when her eyes open after a while, noticing his grand figure.

She's been through too much shit and it's not fair to her- he thinks.

Serenity jumps a little and her eyes meet his from across the room. She knows why he's here which is why she sits up and breaks the extreme eye contact.

Her hands are placed on her thighs again and Taehyung feels anguish when he notices her drift off into a daze. He knows she's thinking of Jimin, the last night she saw him, his cheerful banter, his lively eyes, his laugh and his hugs.

Taehyung sits on the floor beside her feet and his hand covered with rings takes hers, keeping them on her lap. "Love... talk to me." His voice is intertwined with softness and custody, low but present. His other hand pushes his fading azure bangs away as he waits for her.

"i'm losing my mind." Serenity whispers.

Taehyung is surprised that she answered. He wants to pull her out of the resentful hole filled with darkness and he stops himself from letting his feelings about Jimin's death get in the way, he's here to be brave for Serenity only.

He feels her grip on his hand, clenching onto him like she always has. "Do you think he was content with what he did?" She refers to his suicide, it's hard to say the word out loud and it pains the two.

"He lived a happy life with you." Taehyung reassures her and his hand is left alone when she stands up, brushing loose strands of her hair away.

"He didn't!" Serenity exclaims, she doesn't know what the truth is anymore. Her voice unintentionally letting out a shout. Taehyung stands up too, relieved she's letting out her truthful thoughts and feelings and he knows she's not taking out her anger on him but on life.

"He spent his entire life missing a man who died because of cancer." Serenity scoffs and breaks into torrid tears. "It never left him alone and now he's gone."

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