blindfolded by dreams

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This time it's Serenity's turn to check up on her friend Taehyung.

She arrives at his regal mansion and remembers how she felt the first time she visited, segregated, agitated and thrilled. now she's used to his home, sensing Taehyung and his delightful family from every step inside. Serenity slips off her shoes and hangs her coat, her eyes wandering around for him. She takes in every photograph on the wall, her fingers grazing each frame, smiling at the individuals. Baby Elijah and her children and Taehyung and his husbands life.

Elijah is who she sees first. He's sat at the kitchen island, textbooks and papers surrounding him with earphones plugged in his ears as he tries to focus. He's studying for his finals and she remembers the last time she talked to him, she wished him good luck and he was so grateful. He fiddles with his pen, shaking his head to the music as he notices Serenity.

"Hey! Sorry I didn't see you-"

"No worries." Serenity smiles, starting a small talk about school and exams. He talks to her like he always has, outgoing and sociable, like his dad.

Speaking of which... "Where is your dad?" She asks the younger boy.

"He's outside." Elijah points to the closed garden doors, averting his gaze to his school papers and he puts on his earphones, escaping from reality.

So Serenity thanks him, patting his shoulder as she walks past. She heads for the doors, standing in front of the glass and looking outside to see the man she's been wanting to see. She misses him and she knows he does too. Taehyung brings her solace in the toughest times.

The view she watches of Taehyung is one that is pleasing to the eye, one her younger self would love to keep forever. He sits outside, on a red and white, cotton picnic blanket with a bowl of untouched, fresh fruit beside him and a nearly finished water bottle. His legs are sprawled out in front of him, denim shorts on his thighs and tied vans on his feet. The shirt on his chest is loose and ivory, the first few buttons are open as a cool breeze greets the man in his time outside. He plays with the silver necklace around his melanin neck, the rings on his fingers standing out as he leans back with a book in his hand. The bands on his wrist fall down and poetry is read as Tae thinks, rereads and holds the pages with delicacy and pride. His washed out blue hair is a chaotic mess, tied back with a rubber band as loose strands escape, contrasting with his silk shirt.

And the scene that follows breaks Serenity.

Taehyung places his book of poetry down in front of him, the pages closing the book and he covers his face. Eyes closing as he breaks into tears, sobs electrifying his body and his body shakes, shoulders moving as he bows down, crying harder. She knows he's crying because, for Jimin. Serenity can hear Tae from inside, not noticing her own face wet with tears.

Serenity rushes outside, pushing the doors open and runs to her forever friend. She falls to the floor, her legs spreading on the picnic blanket and her hand places itself on Taehyung's broad back, rubbing up and down. he recognises her gentle touch, lifting himself up bravely and allowing Serenity to hug him and hold him when he needs to be held.

Taehyung's arms wrap around her waist, wet face burying in her neck, slowing down his rapid breathing as she holds him as close as she can, her hands patting down his hair and his back.

Taehyung manages to speak. "I know I didn't know him all his life like you did... but was suicide the only option? He was so happy, he did so much for himself." He doesn't show his face, tears dropping into Serenity's neck as she sighs.

"Life was not fair to him, or you or me..."

Taehyung lets out another heart breaking sob as Serenity's breathing pattern matches with his, trying to calm him down but also allowing him to have a healthy cry. "But something good shall come out of something bad one day." She uses his words from the past.

"This was inevitable."

"This feeling is temporary."

"But we have each other."

"And you're so brave my Tae."

The duo sit on the picnic blanket, talking fondly of their lost friend, making sure his presence is always alive between them. They hold hands, both fingers adorning wedding fingers to other people as they stare at an old polaroid that belonged to Jimin. The photo consists of two people- Jimin and Namjoon, gazing at each other, sharing smiles with their long arms around each other's waist.


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