Chapter two

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Daniel: Hey:)

                                                                           y/n: Hi..Is something wrong?

Daniel: No I just wanted to talk to

you. I'm glad we talked over our

 past. Wanna start fresh?

                                                                            y/n: Umm sure ok.

Daniel: Well i'll see you in class, gn!

                                                                              y/n: Yeah goodnight.

Is what Amy read as I showed her the texts Daniel sent the next day, "OMG y/n HE'S SO INTO YOU. I mean look he added a smiley face... A FUCKING SMILEY FACE. You only do that when you're trying to flirt" You looked at her with a confused face "Amy you are out of your mind, he's just trying to be nice after everything. I think he feels bad for me and I really don't need his pity." 

It was bio class again and there was a lab that needed to be done. You put your eye on the microscope as you looked at cheek cells and wrote down observations. From the corner of your eye you could tell Daniel was staring at you, "you're not smooth Seavey". "What I-" he gave up trying to explain and you gave him a cute little eye roll. It felt nice being friends with him again.

After class ended he drove you to his house again so you could finally finish up the project. You worked on it for a while until you two decided to take a break and just sit on the bed and talk. "So how it is?" Daniel looks confused, "How is what?". "Having every girl at school basically on their knees begging for you." He looks at the ground, "Well not every girl.."  you chuckle and roll your eyes, "Oh really who's missing, Ashley King? The goddess of our school".  "no.. you". You punch his shoulder, "Oh how funny Daniel". You completely disregard the question and continue to work on the project.

Once all finished Daniel decided to take you out for ice cream as a treat for finishing the project. You two sat down on a bench after ordering and started to eat. Without looking up from his ice cream he says, "you know I wasn't kidding earlier right. You were the one girl I liked and was never able to get." "Daniel that was in 8th grade, we were both totally different people. And plus we were best friends at the time, it would have been awkward". Switching the topic Daniel asks  " So.. are you going to homecoming?". The smile fades from your face, "Umm I don't think so. Dances aren't usually my scene plus I don't have a date." Daniel stands up from the bench and walks towards his car. You watch him as he walks back with a pen and writes the letters H-O-C-O-? on a napkin and hold it up for you to see. "I Know you hate when there is attention on you so here you go. y/n will go to homecoming with me?" You laugh so hard and give him a hug. "Is that a yes?" he questions. "Yes Daniel I will go to Hoco with you".

He stands up and does a little dance. How excited he was was really cute. "Why are you asking me though? There are so many gorgeous girls that are praying for you to ask them." "Shut up y/n. You're gorgeous too and I really hope you'll notice that someday." You start to blush and smile. He looks at you and says, "I should probably take you home now, it's getting kind of late."

It was a short but fun ride to your house. He pulled up into your driveway and decided to walk you to the door. Once there you two faced each other and you said, "thanks for a fun day Daniel." Just as you turn to open your door he grabs both of your hand, "I know we only just started talking again, but it honestly feels like we never stopped. I also know we are done with our project and you said yes to hoco already, but I really want us to hang out more." You smile and take your hands out of his grip to squish his cheek in a cute way. you scrunch your nose and smile as you walk into your house. "is that a yes or?" asks Daniel as you close the front door and head to your room. What a night...

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