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This is a re-do of an unfinished- ACTUALLY no

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This is a re-do of an unfinished- ACTUALLY no. I did finished the book but I had problems with it. I wrote it 2 years ago, (I think) and back then I was WAY too ignorant and WAY too childish.

Which i still am... But a bit more of an adult now.

I think.

And honestly I didn't wanna delete the book because a lot of you liked it and it would be kind of a dick move to just delete it.

Like that, just like that.

And I like the story myself, but then in the last chapters I started fucking up and shit went down. And that's when I started cringing to the capital FUCK, so I decided to end the book.

...Yeah.... :/

And then it took me 2 years to decide to re-do it, yay me!

Also, the goverment part is gonna be taken out. That part is way too much of a cringe for me, I'll just figure the story out somehow.

JUST IN CASE, it's been a long while,since I've written, and I just wanna warn whoever decides to read this book. Cuz it'll be cringy as fuck, and it'll hurt to read. Cuz it hurts me to even read the other book to re-do it even. So you have been warned, don't bullshit me.

I hope yall enjoy too,

Do know this, the story is gonna be changed a bit. I will try my best to make this an at least good story, if in the end you didn't like the story that's fine. I just hope you guys have a good time reading this, and again I apologize due to all the changes in the story.

Anyways, enjoy.


Cherry Blossom Tree Is Where I Met You *H2OVanoss* +Re-Do!+Where stories live. Discover now