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Evan's POV.

My eyes open to the sound of the door opening, seeing Jon with a fresh pair of pants and a t-shirt. He throws them at me, landing on my face, ugh.

"Get up ya heathen, we're going to the store." He opens the curtains, blinding me on the spot.

"Ah gawd dammit," I hiss.

"Shush up! Now get ready, I gotta get some groceries as well." Jonny leaves the room, in a few minutes I'm ready to go and trot downstairs to the kitchen.

I wait for Jon there, deciding to grab a bowl and fill it with cereal and milk. Enjoying it as I wait. After a while he comes downstairs, looking good I guess.


Hell yeah.

"You ready to go?" He asks as he grabs his car keys and opens the front door for me, I nod and quickly put the bowl in the sink and leave the house.

We get in the car and drive, it is quite peaceful and nice as the songs in the radio soothe me. He hums to them as well, rather enjoyable. We pass through a middle school, a dog park and a residence. We make it all the way to a dollar store, I hop out of the car and wait for Jon. Who looks tired as hell when he gets out, zipping up his blue hoodie.

"Here," *he hands me a small folded paper, I open it and see a list of things.

So a shopping list, he grabs a cart and we go in the store. As the weird guy I am I look around in awe, I didn't.. really get to go to many places before I met John.

"H-hey Evan! Don't go too far, ok?" He gives me a stern look, making me chuckle.

"What? John I'm not a little kid anymore," and with that, I walk off.

Jon's Pov.

I sigh as I watch him walk off, man he really acts like a little kid huh? Anyways, I walk off as well and go to get some supplies for home. As I make my way someone runs by, bumping into me and we both end up falling as the cart rolls off.


"Hey! Watch where you're goin-" I notice this person, I know him.

"John!" It's.. Luke, he suddenly springs up.
"Oh it's nice to see you again!"

"Oh Luke!" We both get up and hug each other tightly, "I-it's nice to see you too bro."

He looks around before starting to pick the things that were on my cart, handing them to me.

"I-I'm sorry about.. this. The mess, I'm just really late. I'm supposed to pick a friend up from the airport, but I'd love to catch up with you later!" He gave me a big goofy smile, which I gave him one back.

"Of course! Well, you better get going then don't ya think?" I giggle at the expression he makes when he realizes he's more late, he bides me a goodbye before quickly running off.

I sigh once I'm completely alone again, or so I thought. Haha

"Jonathan," I jump it he sudden voice, quickly turning around to see Evan!

"Oh, hi Eva-" He cuts me off, the look on his face not a happy one I suppose.

"Who was that Jon?" I was confused at this, I grab the cart again and continue to walk around the store while he just follows me around.

Looking closely, I have already noticed that he's having trouble keeping his wings hidden. His eyes have turned a yellowish golden color, his pupils going crazy. It worries me that he'll lose control any moment, so I quickly get all of the things I need before registering them out and dragging Evan out of the store.

I am not gonna risk it.


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