Chapter 1

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Perrie's p.o.v

I woke up to the sound of my annoying alarm clock and turned it off immediately. Today my family was holding a charity benefit so I had to go to it. I really hate being a princess. I wish I was just a normal teenage girl. I have no one to talk to. All my mom does is try to keep me locked up in this castle and try to find me another prince so we can run the kingdom together. Nobody knows that I am Lesbian except for my servant Katrina. She is really nice. I like having a servant because they are the only friends I have aside from my 2 online friends. The only issue is that she was fired. She helped me with something and forgot one of the stupid chores she has to do. I grabbed my phone and messaged my friends Leigh-Anne and Jesy. I met them online and have only seen them in person once. They both live together in the USA. It was hard to get them over here because of my mom and dad. I got up and went to eat breakfast. Once I finished eating I went back to my room and had a shower. One of our many trailers walked into my room. She had 2 dresses in her hands. I stepped up on the platform and looked at them. The dresses that I am suppose to wear are ugly. I am not 30 i'm a teenager. Another advantage is that I'm "Daddy's Little Princess". I went to my closet and picked out a dress from the countless other events I have been to. My stylist did my hair and them I did my own makeup. Once I was finished I found my dad. He was with my siblings. I have an older brother Travis who is king but to his wife's kingdom. I then have my 13 year old sister Lillia, 10 year old sister Casey and my 6 year old sister Sam. My mom came to the foyer and we waited for the car. She them made a comment about the dress because I wasn't wearing either of the ones she picked out. Once the car arrived us along with several body guards got in. We arrived to where the event was being held and went inside. There was a lot of people as usual. My mom walked over to me with The Malik's. They are another royal family. My mom wants to play match maker and get prince Zayn and I date. She basically wants to do an arranged marriage. If I had to marry Zayn I don't know what I would do. I mean he is a nice guy but I just don't swing that way.

 Mom: Perrie say hello to the Malik's!

Zayn: Hello your highness!

Perrie: Hi Zayn.

Mom: Perrie that is not how you address the prince of Bradford! Remember you have a reputation to uphold as Princess Perrie of South Sheilds!

Perrie: Whatever mom!

Mrs.Malik: let's get dancing!

I had to dance with Zayn. I was about to throw up. Just the way he was looking at me. Once the dance ended I found my older brother and hung out with him and his wife.

Perrie: Travis I need you to keep me away from Zayn.

Travis: Mom and dad forced me to get married and I love my wife so just marry him and pretend to like him.

Perrie: Ew no! I want to marry someone I actually love!

Travis: You know sooner or later mom and dad will force you into marriage. After all you are 16 and once you turn 17 they can.

Perrie: Whatever you are no help!

I went back to my dad and mom and they were still talking to Zayn's family!

Mom: Hey Perrie your new servant arrives tomorrow at 11 AM.

Perrie: Ok.

Dad: Also sweetie we need to start planning your 17th birthday soon.

perrie: OK dad,

Mr.Malik: So Perrie what will you be taking in college or university after you are finished high school?

Perrie: Music.

Mom: I am not so sure about that yet!

When the event finished we went back home. We had lunch there so I just went back to my room. I got changed I was bored so I decided to take a walk outside and go to the gardens. I noticed someone following me. It was my security guard. I decided to go into one of the bathrooms. I'm on the third floor so I opened the window and jumped to someone's balcony. I then walked down the fire escape.

Perrie's room:

Once I got to the garden I decided to write in my journal

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Once I got to the garden I decided to write in my journal. I write about my life e.t.c.

Lillia: Perrie mom said to not go anywhere without the guard!

Perrie: Where is yours?

Lillia: Good point. 

I left Lillia and went back to my room. I hope the girl coming tomorrow is friendly.


Jade's p.o.v

Right now I was taking care of my dad and sister. My dad was very sick. My mom was working at the bakery until 7 and it was 6. I decided to make supper. I was making soup. Once it was cooking on the stove I went to my room where my sister is. I don't have much. I have some clothes from thrift shops. I have on formalish outfit though. I don't like how the kingdom treats the poor. They just throw us aside. I don't know what I would do if I had to be a servant there. I think I would die. My mom was going to be home soon so I put the food on the table. My dad started coughing blood so I rushed to his side with a bucket. We don't have enough money to take him to the hospital so we don't know how long we have with him. I helped him up and to the dining table. My mom rushed into the house extremely happy. She was holding a cheque. I looked at it and it had $2000 written on it. We sat down and began eating.

Mom: So I have some great news! I sold the bakery for $2000!

Jade: How is that good mom? We are almost out of food and $2000 won't last forever.

Mom: Well the palace where the royal family is hiring! Jade you and I will be their servants. Queen Debbie want's us there at 11:00 AM sharp tomorrow!

Jade: Mom I don't want to work for a whole bunch of stuck up snobs!

Mom: It won't be that bad Jade! Plus your dad will be taken care of there. The 2 of us will be working from 6:00 in the morning until 9:00 at night!

Jade: I can't believe this.

Mom: After we eat we need to pack. We will be living there.

I got up and left the table. Whoever I will be working for will treat me like a slave! I decided to listen to my mom and pack everything I own. That only took me a minute. I was so tired from today so I decided to go to bed.

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