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Perrie's p.o.v

Today was going to be the happiest day of my life. It has been 2 years since Jade and I started dating. I proposed on our one year anniversary. Today was the wedding. I was not into having a huge royal wedding. I was just going to be private for friends and family. The people coming were Jade's mom and sister. Then my entire family. My entire family is huge though Jesy and Leigh-Anne were coming of course. Jade and I made friends in University so they were coming as well. Right now it was 10:30 AM. I was getting my hair and makeup done. Jade and I don't really believe in the seeing the wedding dress or spending the last night apart thing. For wedding dresses I got a ballgown type one. Jade's dress is more of a mermaid style.

Perrie's Dress:

Jade's Wedding Dress:

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Jade's Wedding Dress:

My maid of honor is Leigh-Anne and Jade's is Jesy

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My maid of honor is Leigh-Anne and Jade's is Jesy. Our friends from university are bridesmaids. My 16 year old half sister Lillia and my 13 year old half sister Casey are also bridesmaids. My 9 year old half sister Sam is the ring bearer. Jade's 8 old sister Emma is our flower girl. We decided we would both walk down the isle. The church we booked has 2 aisles instead of 1.

Jade's p.o.v

We were walking down the aisle in 5 minutes. I would walk down the left side with my mom while Perrie walked down the right side with her dad. I kissed her and we went to our sides. When the music started playing our bridesmaids walked down the aisle. Next was our maid of honors. After that our ring bearer and flower girl walked down. Everyone stood up as Perrie and I walked down the aisle.


Guy: Does anyone object this marriage?

Zayn: I do! Perrie should be with me!

Guy: Being in love with one of the brides is not a good enough reason!

Dad: Guards get him out of here!

- The guards take Zayn away-

Guy: You may now kiss the bride.

Perrie's p.o.v

I have been waiting half an hour for this guy to say that. I kissed Jade and everyone started cheering. After our kiss we ran down the aisle out of the church. We have our reception and then our honeymoon. The reception was going to be small. Since it is summer and it isn't breakfast lunch or dinner we decided on cake and ice cream sundaes to eat. We walked into the room and had our first dance. We were both really happy. We decided on Hawaii for our honeymoon. We both have never been there and it seemed like fun. We had to get on a plane really soon.


We grabbed our suitcases and said goodbye to everyone. I was excited to have a week with Jade alone away from everyone else. We got to the airport and said goodbye to everyone this was going to be a good week.

The End

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