Chapter 1- My duty

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The Doom Slayer wandered across the flame gripped lands a trail of bloody corpses behind them as jagged claw marks and burnt marks covered the Praetor armour showing how aged it had become.

The Doom Slayer's energy arose yet again as they saw far in the distance several blood Priests making a portal of immense size whilst denizen after denizen of demons guarded the portal.

Grabbing the chainsaw Doom Slayer charged right into the horde stampeding into any demon unlucky enough to be caught in his blitz.

A Cyberdemon tried to grab the Doom Slayer who slashed off its arm quickly switching to his Gauss Cannon blowing the Cyberdemon's head in two.

Arriving at the priests Doom Slayer teleported the chaingun into his  hands gunning down the  approaching hordes of demons.

He knew that all of hell must have come to make this portal work as demon after demon died at his hands corpses and body parts flying. Shredding bone from flesh with a solemn silent attitude the Doom Slayer never stopped moving and like lighting sawing possessed to cacodemons to lost souls all dropping to the red soil becoming a mark on the land of the mighty battle which kept forth.

A blood priest jumped onto the Doom Slayer's back chanting something as the Doom Slayer started to feel the pull of the portal.

He tried to latch onto the uprooted tree of hell but the wood broke sending him spinning into the portal.
As Doom Slayer looked back on his world of death and gore he saw the demons salute at the blood priest who clung to his back.

Some of the younger demons watched in silence as Doom Slayer felt an odd sense of tiredness seeing the portal spin and shake trembling at the argent energy he released.

I refuse to let go of my dut-

Doom Slayer's mind shut down as he went even deeper Into the portal the bright colours almost seeming like  a graceful dream which he did not wish to wake from.

In Gfroa an empty grass plain stood atop a mountain showing the massive medieval town below where the people enjoyed their lives oblivious of the horrors which lay in wait.

"Ha look at the mortal beings which live without concern we should bring forth a new breed of monsters upon their kind something unexpected." One Doomed God Gail said laughing from his black throne in the mighty tower of his were two other gods Qon and Fusit sat discussing with the evil god.

"Yes and what if we made them hope and grotesque something these short living have never experienced." Qon said as they all smiled sending their energy into a black ball of energy.

The ball rushed out of the tower approaching the village as it formed Into a metallic harpy with spiralling horns protruding from its head looking down at the people.

The harpy flew down grabbing a child with its talons raising him into the air laughing maniacally.

The harpy threw the girl into the air letting her drop to the ground where the people just watched. Someone collided into the harpy sending them both crashing into the ground. Doom Slayer walked out of the crate where a house used to be as he glanced at the mutilated corpse of the Harpy bent incorrectly at extremely wrong angles.

He turned hearing the scream of the child as she was moments from hitting the ground. Zooming toward the girl he caught her skidding to a stop as she was crying in his arms.

"Who is this being who just destroyed our creation‚ should we punish him brother?" Qon said summoning his monsters.

"No watch at how he wears armour of such bad condition truly this being is one of immense power let him enjoy life then we shall take everything from him then kill the man." Gail said smiling evilly as they all watched the Doom Slayer.

The townspeople congratulate the Doom Slayer who defeating the harpy showering him with praise.

But I didn't even do anything.

"Mister What is your name so we may know who is our Savior." A woman asked as the Doom Slayer thought back to his past trying to remember his name.

"I'm William Blazkowics." William said in a raspy voice before a wave of tiredness envelopes his body making him drop the ground.

"Men let's carry him back to my house I owe this man." A young man said as he and several others tried to lift William failing easily.

"By the Gods this man is heavy. Aha go and ask Coliym for her help." The man said as his daughter rushed off to call the town witch.

As Coliym arrived she raised him up almost dropping William cause of the immense weight. Floating him off to the house she was told she glanced into William's soul and a beast of rage glared back at her sending chills of fear crawling up her spine.

Dropping William down she looked at the daughter ushering her over.

"Vulpecula‚ go collect some blue healing herbs from my garden whilst I tend to him." Coliym said as the girl rushed off yet again.

"Soul weaving of a broken Angel." Coliym said as greyish mist entered the Doom Slayer's armour restoring the armour to mint condition but dark energy burnt her fingers.

'You can't calm this beast one day he shall fight again and I will lead him on his quest for revenge for the dark Lords that have ruined him.' A dark voice from within the Doom Slayer's body said to Coliym before disappearing.

Taking off the armour she saw that his left eye had several jagged scars crisscrossing across whilst the rest of his body looked more injured than the armour.

Completely removing the armour she blushed seeing he was naked‚ skin still a light tanned colour‚ hair a cherry red tone.

Covering him with a blanket Coliym awaited Vulpecula to come as she healed his scars leaving clear skin except for the scars on his left eye Coliym giggled at his freckles.

Vulpecula came back seeing William jumping onto his chest. Coliym applied the herbs to William's skin making him wake up.

"Mister thank you for saving me from that monster‚ I'm going to marry you Mister William." Vulpecula said lying on the Doom Slayer like a star fish.

"Call me Doom Slayer." William said coughing a bit as Vulpecula played with his hair.

"I'm calling you Doom Doom hehe and I'm going to marry you."

"Uh girl you're still young there's plenty other normal people to marry." William said ruffling her lengthy hair.

"Mister I'm Michael and would like to thank you for saving my daughter." The man said as William blinked I'm surprise at how young he looked.

"Oh and thanks for taking care of my wounds but I can't trouble you anymore." William said trying to get up as Vulpecula tried to hold on.

"It's okay you can stay here with us we always have had that extra room my wife refused to rent out." Michael said before hearing the door open as his wife Nana walked in carrying baskets of food.

"Oh is this the man who saved my daughter please tell me you've given him something to eat‚ I bet you haven't‚ let me prepare my best pot roast." Nana said heading to the kitchen.

Maybe I could  live normally with this people.

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