Chapter 13

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"Who is the man who is causing a ruckus." Queen Dula said as her servant brought her mirror.

She tapped the mirror as it showed the God Slayer travelling with Jinx and Rose whilst Zeus was grumbling as he was being carried by God Slayer.

"How did this not come up sooner!" Dula asked as the servant shrugged.

"Well you know you were kinds busy with the other nations in what to do over the resurrection of the Over-Bane."

"Ugh‚ why is nobody able to best this beast and those political pricks won't let me do it until that threat reached the castle gates. That it. Doppelganger!" Dula shouted as a short girl appeared in front of her.

"Take my throne until I'm back. I need to meet this man." Dula said as she spun‚ bright light engulfed her form.

She was now dressed in a black praetor suit with the a grey crown painted on the back.  She headed for the window zooming off as Doppelganger changed into Dula.

"Okay‚ you‚ go bring me some scones." doppelganger said as the servant nodded.

God Slayer was walking with his allies as he felt the familiar energy of argent energy. He was instantly on edge and pulled out his crucible. He saw a person in praetor armour crash in front of them.

The person rushed at God Slayer with impeccable speed crashing into him.

"Doomguy‚ you're alive!" She said as God Slayer went full shell shock at seeing someone he last saw eons ago.

"Dula?‚ I thought you were dead. How did you survive the hordes?" God Slayer asked as he embraced her.

"I was the greatest speedster on Argent'Nur and you think I can't outrun a couple of demons. I saved so many people. I was so cool." She said as God Slayer took his helmet off showing her his face‚ her helmet retracted as she showed her grey eyes and the long battle scar which ran from her right eye to her neck.

"See I even have a do—

Dula sensed female jealousy as he saw Rose glaring at her.

"Ugh‚ you pervert. He is my brother! Why would I want to date my brother!" Dula said as Rosé's cheeks went blood red with embarrassment.

"No I was not! You're wait.... Queen Dula. I am shamefully sorry that I said such words." Rose said bowing down on one knee.

"Anyway brother please tell me what has been going on with your life." Dula said as God Slayer nodded.

"It's nice to see you sister. Too bad mom and dad never made it out." God Slayer said sighing sadly as Dula placed her forehead on his.

"Brother don't ever forget‚ Argent For Now....."

"Argent Forever." God Slayer said as Dula smiled.

"Now where are you all going?"

"Well‚ God Slayer wants to get his wife back and the only way possible w—

"Shut up dummy." Jinx said stuffing a other suspiciously baked bread slice in Rosé's mouth.

"Now let me tell you an easy way. You just have to go to the End. It is located at the very edge of Mid-land and is guarded by heavily strong guardians. In there lies—

"The Wraith Queen. God Slayer you're lucky you've got me to help you. Come on let's go. I've been stuck in royal garbs for too long." Dula said as God Slayer nodded.

"Wait a goddamn minute. Did you say Wraith Queen? Oh this just got a lot better." God Slayer said as he cracked his knuckles.

Far away at the End‚ located deep in side her temple The Wraith Queen sneezed.

"Huh‚ I guess someone is thinking about me. Hopefully it's not the Doom Slayer. Oh who am I kidding that guy must be long dead by now." The Wraith Queen said before starting to feel uneasy.

"Bring more guardians and more golems."

Doom:Gods Shall FallWhere stories live. Discover now