1.Welcome to Riverdale

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*You don't have to listen to the music , I'm just putting them up with songs that go with the chapter*

Betty's POV

Riverdale.The last stop before the bus turns in for the night. I've never heard of Riverdale so I guess it will be a good place to stay.See I can't say it will be a place to live because it's never safe.I will never be able to just stop running from him and just live a normal life.But I guess I can't have a normal life.Anyway, Riverdale will be my home for a while to avoid until he will come so like normal I have to keep my head down and not involve anyone .This will be interesting . When I was off the bus I just started to walk around .It was about 11:30pm on Friday night so you'd expect parties to be going on ,I mean that's what happened in Chicago but it was just all quiet.After about 20 minutes of walking around I saw a motel .At least I'd have a roof under my head tonight .Honestly I had about enough money for a week in a motel with food here and there.I couldn't stay there for a week cause then he'd find me and that's the last thing I can have happen .As soon as I booked into my room ,I collapsed on my bed.I was on a bus all day but I couldn't sleep as my mind just wondered.

I turn 18 in 3 months then somehow I can get Charlotte.Charlotte is my little sister.She is 5 and lives in a foster home back in Chicago.I don't understand why I can't be her legal guardian right now because I've been the only person who cared for her since she was 1 and I was 13.See I also have a brother.His name is Joaquin and he's 24 now but he left when 2 weeks before Lottie's 1st birthday.He said he would be back but I never saw him again.He left during the worst time, my father at that time had gone on the run again out of prison.Of course during that time my amazing *note the sarcasm* father had to come and see me and Lott.I never let him even lay a finger on Lottie and because of that I got a few bruises and cuts.Then when I started to go on the run.Last thing I heard he was back in prison but had the possibility to get out again and around 6 months but by then I will have Lottie again and we can get to a safer place.I haven't seen Lottie in about a year and its been the hardest year for me.I put her with. Foster family for her safety and I wouldn't be able to give her the life she needs right now but i'm gradually getting back onto my feet and I'll have her soon.I promised Lottie on the first day she opened her eyes that I would protect her no matter what and that promise will come to me until I die.I won't do what my brother did.He promised he would protect me but clearly that didn't happen ,when I was on the run with Lottie and when she was in foster care I did things that could've killed me and no I didn't join some gang an I didn't do drugs ,I was more where I did a few street fights to gain some money but I never went over the top.During one of the stops when I had Lottie we can across a Bar (and yes I know I shouldn't have taken that then 3 year old to. Bar but it was the only place that I could get a drink and there was also free toilets.Anyway we came aross this bar and whilst had a simply coke ( I don't drink unless its been a stressed day ) anyway I also got Lottie a orange juice and as I was just listening to Lott talk to me nd herself the bar owner came down and started talking to me.Now I'm pretty confident so I wasn't that bothered talking back to her.I found out her name was Jellybean and she was loud, blunt, funny and just overall really kind.She invited us to her apartment and at the time ,Lottie and I were just staying at different motels so we went with her.Jellybean was really chilled and we got quite close as friends.She asked me to call her JB because in her words "Jellybean as a name is like some weirdos name" .JB adored Lottie and Lottie adored JB,JB gave us a place to sleep in her apartment and also a job at the bar and I have never been more grateful towards someone .We stayed with JB for about 8 months until we heard my father was near and I didn't want to risk Lotties safety.JB knew the whole story so gave me a spare phone and some cash which I was extremely grateful for .I still stay in touch with JB more or less twice a month because to be honest shed probably kill me if I didn't.After about 4 months of leaving JBs we were in Chicago and Lottie was 4 so I put her in a foster care place so shed be safe and put her under her middle name "Charlie " but gave her a locket with her real name ,mine and Joaquin names (my mum had given them to us before Lottie was born and all three of us had one but I kept Lotties safe until she was old enough and she was.My heart broke the day I had to leave Lottie.She was crying and thought she had done something wrong .It was unbearable and her cries still make me cry everyday.

*flashback 1 year ago*

I just finished the paperwork for Lottie to stay whilst se was on the sofa playing with her hair.I crouched down to her level and said ,"Hey Loo loo, for a while you have to stay here whilst I go and do some things so I can get you back and have a better place for us to stay." Lottie looked at me with her big emerald eyes (she got that from our mum) with a mix of confusion and sadness like she didn't understand but knew it wasn't good .I never cried in front of Lottie over anything but a single tear slipped known id be leaving her and more look of sadness shone from her eye "Lizzie what do you mean ?Why can't I come " (my full name is Elizabeth and she always loved to call me Lizzie so it could be Lizzie and Lottie)."Because baby , you are safe here and its the best .But I promise you that when I'm 18 I will come back and get you and we can be together forever."It was like Lotties brain clicked as she realised what I had meant and tears started to build up in her eyes ,"But lizzie I don't want to stay here.I want to go with you" .Tears were now streaming down her face and trying to stop my voice cracking all I could say was ," Baby. Lott.Lottie,im sorry but you can't .I promise you will be safe here and then I will be backend come to get you".Lottie didn't understand ,she just seemed to think it was her fault ,"Lizzie ,I'm sorry .I didn't mean to do it.Pease don't leave me.Dont let me stay here please".Tears were running down her face and it broke me.I decide to say my goodbye to Lottie and go case it would hurt both of us more. "Listen baby ,this is not your fault.You just need to stay here and I will be back.I promise you.I love you so much and I'm coming back soon and when I do we can go and do whatever you want" I jut then hugged her and let her cry into my shoulder for about 5 minutes then got up to leave.She clung onto me like her life depended on it and it killed me inside to know I'm leaving her just like Joaquin did to me.The two ladies who worked their pulled her off me whilst she cried so loudly I turned to her and just whispered in her ear ," I love you Lottie and I WILL come back" I hugged her once again and then walked out the doors.As I walked towards my motorbike I just remembered her tears and cries and broke down.I knew I had to do it because I wasn't old enough to be her legal guardian and this way she wouldn't get hurt from our father and she's had a good life until I was old enough and had a stable life.I just kept telling myself ...I'm so sorry Lottie.


I wiped the few tears that had fallen from the memory and decide to sleep it out.Tommorow would be busy day having me finding work and getting somewhere better to stay.I have three months to get a stable life before the running starts again.But theres art of me that thinks this is my last stop and I can hopefully settle down..

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