17. Whipped Cream Hats

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(^^^^ I love this song  right now ^^^^^)


" Lotts this is Joaquin, he is our big brother and Joaquin (she said to the tall man ) this is Lottie?". Wait brother?Joaquin?


*Joaquin POV*

After Betty introduced Lottie to me ..again, she looked up at me with her big shining eyes and then pulled Betty to the side to whisper something in her ear. I guess it was to ask a question because Betty just nodded to what she said.Whatever Betty nodded to made Lottie scrunch up her eyebrows. I didn't know what to do so I just stood there awkwardly. A few silent seconds later Lottie walked up to me , chicken me in my shin as hard as she could (which as a 5 year old) wasn't that hard but then hugged me and softly said , " Hi, so you're Quin? " . I was confused about what happened but then I bent down to her height and just nodded. Within a blink of an eye she leapt onto me hugging me as tight as she could, after she pulled back and her eyes got glossy very quickly, "why did you leave?" she said quite quietly .I pulled her onto my knee and told her that I had to go for some time to sort out some jobs for some bad people , but I was back now.... We talked a bit more before she hugged me again and took held of Bettys hand to follow us to go to the office to just get her files and sign some more stuff just so the arrogant prick of a father can't have anything to do with Lottie .

*Betty POV*

I was so happy to have my little sister back, it seemed as months of anxiety that was on my shoulders had been lifted.In the car on the way back , me and Quin were in the front whilst Lottie was in the back babbling about what games she played and how her school was going. I couldn't help but smile at everything . Then I told her about how we were actually staying at a secure place and how we wouldn't have to move, the best part was that JB was there. When she found that out, Quin nearly crashed as if you didn't know a 5 year olds squeal can cause loss of hearing.

The twins don't know about Lottie coming home as I thought id surprise her and them. I found out that the twins would be in Riverdale for another few months to sort some random stuff out which was fine with me and im sure Lotts would be over the moon to see her (other) big brothers . At one point Lotts started to ask Quin questions like if he had a girlfriend... which the got to the conversation of Lottie wanting to find out what it was like to be gay and honestly Joaquin gave the cutest Ted Talk about being gay to her. She forced him to call Kevin so she could make sure Kevin was a good boyfriend... Lottie is something else for a 5 year old.

After what seemed like years we got back to the trailer park and Lottie was sleeping soundly in the warmth of Joaquins jumper, which was massive on her.He got out of his side of the car , as did I and he picked her up and took her to the door as I grabbed her bags.I opened the door and saw JB sprawled across the sofa with bags (and I mean tons) around her unopened... im guessing for Lottie. I chuckled to myself as I put the bags to the side near the chairs and showed Joaquin to my room so he could lay Lottie down and then showed him to the door. "Thank you" I whispered , thinking he didn't hear me but I hugged him as tight as I could trying not to cry yet one tear ran down my face. "Its alright x" he whispered back and tightened the hug. After a few minutes a groggy snore came from behind me, I laughed seeing it was JB and Joaquin just scratched the back of his head and chuckled , waving bye as he left to go back home.

...... time skip to the next morning cause I have no idea.....

I woke up to cool by Jonas Brothers blasting on the kitchen speakers, as I came out of my room, Toni did too covering her ears.We both looked at each other and came to the design of who was behind it all.JB.

We walked into the kitchen and it was honestly the scene from elf with all the candy and waffles and it just smelt of sugar. Tonis mouth was wide agape probably thinking , "What the actual fuck" in her head but she didn't see it as also in front of us with Jb was a dancing 5 Year old with a whipped cream hat shaped cream pile on her head, Jb had the same yet she had about 3 quid worth of sprinkles covering her hair aswell.

 Tonis mouth was wide agape probably thinking , "What the actual fuck" in her head but she didn't see it as also in front of us with Jb was a dancing 5 Year old with a whipped cream hat shaped  cream pile on her head, Jb had the same yet she had a...

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Toni and I just stood there until they would notice. Lottie was the first to notice me as she ran full speed towards me and jumped onto me , thankfully I caught her and held her tightly. She just started giggling .A lot. And I couldn't stop smiling because of it. That morning I also introduced Lottie to Toni , vice versa and they seemed to love each other.Toni has promised to teach Lottie some self defence which she is living for at the moment. I texted the boys a while later to meet a pops and thats when I was taking Lottie to surprise all of them .

...Another time skip to just before they left for pops....

I did Lotties hair into 2 pigtails and she wore a floral jumpsuit whereas I just wore some jeans, a white tee and my leather jacket Toni got me some time ago.. " you ready lots" I looked at the 5 year old before stepping out of the trailer. She just nodded.

(Lottie has blonde/dirty blonde hair)

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(Lottie has blonde/dirty blonde hair)

When we got to Pops I looked around before seeing the twins waving , calling me to go over. The look on their faces were priceless when they saw Lottie. My 5 year old sister took a few seconds cause she was looking around Pops but when seesaw them ,a loud squeal came from her mouth and she leaped towards them screaming , " Blainey, Braddy" ....


Thanks for reading this weeks SISA, I hope you enjoyed it;

My twitter, tumblr, wattled and Ao3 name is : @sprcusehrt

My insta name is : @lili_jones_cooper

Bye x Love you all who have read this so far x

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