11. Can u ride bikes Betty?

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I felt a body on me when I woke up so without opening my eyes I pushed the heavy weight off and then heard a OMPH hit the trailer floor. "OWW!" A voice said groggily so I opened my eyes slowly to see JB on the floor. Oops. "Sorry Jelly." I apologised as she held out her hand for me to help her up. I grabbed but to my surprise she pulled me to the thin carpeted floor quickly, earning another OMPH to boom through the trailer. W both turned to look at each other as I gave my best friend a fake glare but within seconds we both burst into laughter, tears rolling down our faces at how strange we were.

After we finished our laughing session I went to the kitchen to start on breakfast which today was going to be some pancakes and some fruit with whatever I can fine.As I finish up the 5th pancake , Toni came out of her room with her hair dissolved and lipstick smudged over her face. I shared a look with JB and she winked at me as I looked over at Toni and went to say something as JB interrupted me , 'who'd you fuck Toni?" Asking the girl with pink hair highlights. My mouth gaped open as Toni blushed profusely .Toni looked at me as a ask for help but I just wiggled my eyebrows and giggled , leaving her to fend her herself because I was curious too. Toni tustve come home about 4am because myself and JB were up till 3 watching movies, catching up and eating as much junk food as our stomachs could handle.Just like the old days. Toni took me out of my memories when she coughed and said , "well.... Theres this girl... Cheryl .She's a Northside but damn she's hot.We met in fox forest and then we used to come over here .... But once Betty got here we went to hers every now and then I guess....". JB who was sitting on the sofa leaped off as it she were scared for her life and she stared at Toni with a what-the-actual-fuck kind of look .Tonis face was filled with confusion as in a raised voice JB said, " so you're telling me that me and Betty have slept on the couch that you and this Cheryl girl have fucked on?????!?!?!?!?!?". Toni then proceeded to smile sheepishly and shrug whilst I scrunched my nose up, putting the now finished pancakes onto the plate and walking to the table.

JB,Toni and I all sat around the table eating the pancakes and fruit whilst Jelly decided to question Toni about this Cheryl character and every fact that Toni knew about her.Before I knew it I had 10 minutes before I was meant to leave for work since I walked to Pops. I hurriedly got dressed and applied a thin layer of makeup even though Toni and JB instead that I didn't need it , I felt somewhat better wearing a little. I grabbed my denim bag and said bye to the girls as I shut the door behind me.

I was quite startled though when I saw a beanie clad boy on his motorbike infant of you.Jughead Jones. "Hi" I said quietly as I blushed at the sight of this greek god (well Riverdale god but that doesn't matter).He said Hey back then let a moment of silence fall between us as he then carried on , 'Like yesterday I kinda guessed that you would be walking to pops again so I wondered since I'm off to got there again would you want a lift?". I blushed , my face was probably beet red with a sheepish smile and I nodded watching a smile form onto his sharp face....

*Jugheads POV*

I woke up to hear my phone buzz with a text from my dad.They say the younger generation are hooked to their phones... well tell that to my dad since he's in the next room but he texted me saying , 'Hey, boo can you go up to Pops again to get my usuals?'.Normally I would groggily say no and complain when he somehow make me into doit because this morning all that was in my head was the beautiful blonde and the events that played out yesterday ... JB and Betty know each, Betty is just so stunning, What is she hiding because I can tell that she hasn't said the whole truth and most of all how this girl has ... well I wouldn't say captured my heart but damn she's captured my heart in so little days.I quickly replied to my dad that I would and threw on a S shirt and some jeans and my beanie and headed out to see this green eyed angel.

As my motorbike came to their trailer my head was spinning of ways to ask Betty if she wanted a lift.If I knocked, most likely my sister would hear or find out and tease him and that was the last thing he needed since he never doesn't romantic shit like this...But if he waited outside the trailer to come out then he'd seem like some crazy peso stalker and he'd lose this chance with her.If he had one he means.... However today was on his side of luck today because just as he pulled up the front door of the trailer slammed shut, he looked up to see Betty bundled up in her coat and scarf even if it weren't that cold, the mild winds still brought a chilly breeze across their paths'.When Betty saw Jughead she jumped a tiny bit then blushed and then said Hey in her sweet, blissful voice.I then waved back and asked her if she wanted a lift to Pops. I was nervous for her reply.I knew we had only met but Betty had something about her she affected me a way that nobody else had.When she nodded a yes , I let out a huge breathe that I did not know I was holding and smiled sheepishly.

She came down the steps of the trailer, her hair swaying from side to side making my eyes widen at how she did such simple thing yet they were so big to me.They mustve been big to my guy down there as well because he started to grow but quickly thinking of old ladies my guy went away ... for now. Before she got on the bike she took the helmet from me then , "hey Jug can I ride it?"she asked. I was a bit shocked to not only her calling Jug but to her asking if she could ride my precious baby."Can u ride bikes Betty?" I asked because I mean these bikes are hard to ride and control.She nodded and explained how she had a later version of this bike but she had to leave it at a storage until in Chicago and that she would 'take care for it'.I was pretty persistent on saying no but when I took a second glance at Betty I immediately said yes without realising it.

I can't believe I was letting Betty Cooper ride y precious bike.Wow I really am whipped...... shit? :/


Thanks for reading this weeks SISA, I hope you enjoyed it;

My twitter, tumblr, wattled and Ao3 name is : @sprcusehrt

My insta name is : @lili_jones_cooper

Bye x Love you all who have read this so far x

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