16. 3 Teddy Bears

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*Joaquin :Okie

Then I pressed END CALL.

As soon as the call was done my head flopped on the side of the sofa, in 3 days a lot would happen I just have to be ready to handle it....

See you soon Lottie.Sis is coming back to get you ....*

Bettys POV

(3 days later)

It was currently 7:45am and Joaquin was round my trailer eating breakfast with us getting ready to leave for Chicago .JB led the conversation on how she was going to spoil Lottie when she comes back whilst I joint in the conversation every few minutes and so as me and JB brought up some of our old memories. Yesterday I met up with the twins because they came to me to apologise after the whole them VS Joaquin fiasco..


The twins just messaged me to meet them at the park to talk about what happened at Pops and I instantly knew what they meant by that.... A hour later I was sat on a bench whilst they were apologising as if I were on my death bed and begging me to "forgive their amazing brothers who are so so sorry" but it just ended of me laughing and saying that of course I forgave them.Then we went out to get me some ice cream because when my stomach rumbles its like a volcano is about to erupt.


(An hour later)

"Betty! Stop changing the music!Please!" Joaquin moaned for what seemed like the 1000th time "But whyyy brother?" "Because its annoying that you change every song unless the song was from 5 years ago or less" "Well duh thats when all the good songs wer-" then I interrupted myself by singing the song whilst I heard a faint groan from Joaquin as he drove the car.We had another 30 minutes to go and I'm surprised Joaquin had already lasted this long so far.

We had the occasional few stops together a "few" drinks and snacks and to my protest Joaquin payed for my 4 bags of sweets and 3 bottles of Arizona (two were for him anyway ) just to give us some energy.The rest of the ride I just told Joaquin some things about Lottie and a lot of times Joaquin had to sad smile on his face and I guess that was because all the things I mentioned he had missed out of her life.

*Joaquins POV*

A smile made its way onto my face every time I saw how happy Betty was when she mentioned Charlotte.A massive part of me was still so annoyed at myself that I left them both in that position and that I didn't see Betty grow into a teenager and have to deal with her sneaking out or talking back that would've gotten her grounded and I especially didn't even get to see the main parts of Charlotte growing up.I didn't get to see her say her first words or all of the most important parts of her life so far. Ofcourse I felt guilty, I mean who wouldn't but now I was so excited to see my little sister again and be able to see Betty always happy. Betty didn't exactly tell me why but I do know that im only her temporary guardian for Lottie until Betty is old enough because we discussed that a few days ago and that I understood how important it was for Betty and also if something happened im pretty sure thAT Betty would know what to do since she's known Lottie longer . I mean hell I don't even know if my youngest sister is allergic to anything and all I have gathered is that Lottie hates every food thats yellow yet her favourite colour is yellow.I mean what the hell!


The ride to Chicago by the end was quite quiet and the only noise that came out was from nick small conversations between dearest biological brother and myself. We pulled up to the bug building that I remember so sadly when having to leave my sister here because of the stupid law

*real quick flashback*

"Lizzie ,I'm sorry .I didn't mean to do it.Pease don't leave me.Dont let me stay here please".Tears were running down her face and it broke me.

*End of flashback*

I wiped the few tears that ran down my face as an attempt to seem strong for everyone, especially myself. I tightened my ponytail as a million questioned rushed through my head .Will she remember me?Does she hate me ? Will she remember Quin? Does she hate our brother? Will she like Riverdale ?Where is Hal? Was she anywhere near here?

I didn't realise I was staring into spaced until Joaquin nudged me a bit to walk into the building that may have been hell for my little sister but how was I supposed to know? As we walked through the door we were approached near the door by a woman in her mid 40s who asked us who we were. A after we told her she said , " oh yes love, I spoke to you on the phone, im Linda ." Ah Linda yes I remembered her. She showed us to her office where she went through the main documents and Joaquin signed wherever we had to whilst I looked around the office. It seemed.... Calm and homely.Im glad it wasn't some random shack that Lottie would be living in hell in so that was good. After a while of just talking about Lottie and the home and Joaquin temporary guardianship Linda called for some woman named Kim to bring down Lottie.

About 5 minutes later I saw her skipping down the stairs with 3 teddy bears and 2 action figure dolls in a heap in her hands.She was humming something to herself and it put a bright smile on my face.She'd barely changed .She was totally oblivious to me standing in front of her which disheartened me a bit however I coughed and called out , "Hey Lotts im back " .A look of pure shock fell upon her face along with excitement, sadness, anger but mostly happiness.And before I could breathe another second I heard her small voice boom out shreaking , "LIZZY!" As she dropped everything she was holding and ran into my arms as they were now down her her level as she hugged the air out of my lungs.

*Lotties POV* (didn't see that coming )

I was playing with Barbara , Lili and , Cami (my teddies ) and my 2 action figures Cole and Dylan and we were all playing castle when Miss Kim called me down , I couldn't be in trouble since this time I actually didn't do anything.And im sorry but Robbie just has a face that you want to throw a spoon at. And and Alex kissed me so I kicked him in the balls so he knew it was wrong.He didn't even ask and Lizzy told me that was rude when we lived together.I missed Lizzy, it seemed like forever since I came here.

Lizzy said shed come back and I was sad because I thought I was naughty and she didn't want me but Miss Kim and Ms Linda told me that I was safe here so thats why so I forgive Lizzy .But then the big weird man came and said he was my daddy but that wasn't true and Miss Kim nearly karate chopped him so he left.But I miss Lizzy.

But anyway I listened to Miss Kim and skipped down the stairs singing since I was bored and I know im not meant to skip down the stairs but ive only fell 6 times and it didn't hurt that much.

When I got to the bottom of the stairs I wasn't interested so I didn't listen to anything until someone coughed and said " Hey Lotts, Im back' I was confuzzled. Only Lizzy call me that.Does that mean? I looked up and I was right! It was my big sis Lizzy. I screamed her name and ran into her arms and hugged her as tight as I could so she couldn't go again .After a few minutes and a few tears from em and Lizzy I realised there was a tall scary man that looked familiar but I don't know where from and who looked like Lizzy next to her who coughed. I told Lizzy to bed down so I could whisper since he looked scary with the snake pictures on his arms and asked my sister , " Lizzy who is he? " .She relied who I meant and stood back up to her normal tall self and said , " Lotts this is Joaquin, he is our big brother and Joaquin (she said to the tall man ) this is Lottie?". Wait brother?Joaquin?


This was kinda a filler sorry I have exams the next two weeks so im stressed x

Thanks for reading this weeks SISA, I hope you enjoyed it;

My twitter, tumblr, wattled and Ao3 name is : @sprcusehrt

My insta name is : @lili_jones_cooper

Bye x Love you all who have read this so far x

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