5. The trailer

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*Joaquin POV*

After Betty left with the Toni , I was left in the room with the guys. Everyone looked a me with confusion in their eyes since I never had told them about my family .Not even that I had not only got one but two sisters that I ...  I left when they needed me.Shit.Fp, a father figure to me just said straight , "What the hell what that? You better explain right now boy. And I want to hear it all!" ....


*Joaquin POV*

I explained everything to FP about Betty and Lottie and even the part that nobody knew about. I did go back... about a 2 years after I left I went back for a bit. The house was destroyed and Betty and Lottie weren't there.I did look for them for a bit, checked in at care homes and foster homes to see if they were registered down as being there but they never were. Maybe I was the reason children services went after them because I looked into it.Shit... Eirther way I am the reason Lottie was taken from Betty and why they went through what happened.

"Listen Quin, I've known you for a while and you are like a son to me and a brother to Jug .I know you never meant to leave them and in a sense you did what you had to but boy... you shouldn't have left them like that.You could've found somewhere safe or leave them something because from her story that we all heard by the way , she was a child herself, you were a adult and you left her like that to take care of not only herself but a baby who wasn't even 1!' Fp gave me a lecture that I did need but it had never really sunk in properly. I just looked at the 40 something year old and just said , "FP, what do I do?" In a way tears threatened to spill.I had put my sister in one of the hardest positions to be in .I did that.I left my two baby sisters . I eft because was scared.FP looked at me with some sympathy in his eyes , "tell her why you left and try and be in her life and fix it the best you can before you don't have a chance too.Now get out boy cause you moping in here is making me feel old" we both chuckled as I thanked him then left... off to find my baby sister.

*Betty POV*

AfterI left Joaquin in the room, Toni brought me to the trailer in silence.She broke it off though asking if I was alright and I just replied with a small yes.She then said seconds later , "We heart most of it B.Is it alright if I call you that? And I am not backing up Jay *Toni calls Joaquin Jay* for his past but he wouldn't just have left you and your sister.But when Jay first turned up at the serpents he looked like shit.Im sorry for all that shit you've gone through and you'll be safe here .Serpents protect serpent family and I can tell even if Jay wasn't a serpent well you'd still be family to us." I mean I understood cause Joaquin wouldn't have left for no reason and I felt warmed by what Toni said so I just simply replied , "Thanks Toni and honestly just call me whatever .And... thanks . For all of this". "No problem B. Now lets show you round the trailer and get you settled since its pretty late".

Toni showed me around the trailer and showed me my room which was a decent size room for a trailer, the to show my gratitude for letting me stay with her so I made some spaghetti that used to be Lottie and Jbs favourite and as I guessed ... Toni loved it too. On her first bite she pretty much moaned at how delicious it was , "Jesus B how do you cook so well ? Where did you learn to make this? Uhhhh its soooo good". I chuckled at how mesmerised she was by pasta. "Well this what happens when you live with a fussy toddler. I pretty ,much always made pasta, pizza or other random thing from the stuff we had in cupboards.Also one of the stops me and Lottie were at was a restaurant, The family took us in for a while and basically the lady who owned the restaurant was not only like a mother to me but she taught me how to cook since Lottie was the fussiest child on the planet". Toni laughed at my reply. I wasnt lying.Lottie was a nightmare most days..

*Another legendary flashback*

"Noooo I want Lizzie to cook " Lottie wailed at Mindy and the boys. They all sighed and called me in. I was a pretty bad cook but I could only cook pasta and sometimes I flopped that so it was pretty easy to see I wasn't going to do well at this so I had to make a compromise with a fucking 2 year old. Wow my life is great... , I crouched down to as small as I can to Lotties height, "Hey loo loo, lets make a deal cause you can't have pasta again every nigh-" "whyyyy?" Lottie complained , "Because Lottie , its not healthy so what if me and Mindy work together to make some chicken pie and after ..*whispering* I might be able to make some fairy cupcakes after," and after that the small 2 year old went "YAY OK!". You always win the argument with Lottie when there is fairy cupcakes except if the frosting or cake is a strawberry flavour since 1. Who even likes strawberry flavoured things unless its actual real strawberries and 2. The more important point that Lottie is allergic to them.

*End of flashback*

Me and Toni sat down and watched Pitch Perfect (the original first one)and the whole way me and Toni laughed.I found out a lot about her including that she was born and raised in and around the Serpents.She was lesbian and was with another serpent called Cheryl and they were together for nearly 3 years now and it was really sweet. She also worked as a bartender in the Whyte Where which I knew but she told me some behind the bar secrets. Then I explained some of my life and kinda left out most of the gang stuff that I came across but I did mention I was used to the world of that even considering had a toddler with me no matter what Lottie would always be safe and I would make sure of that. To be honest wherever we ever were, people always fell in love with Lottie, she was just a bean of joy who made everyone smile.The amount of teddy bears and toys she got for presents were mental.She had everyone especially me always wrapped around my finger.

I was getting really tired and as I got up and said goodnight to Toni , there was a knock on the door....


There isn't much happening in this chapter but I've been really really busy lately and im catching up so next weeks should be better.Love y'all and hope you enjoyed this chap of SISA( Safe In Serpent Arms) x

See ya next week.

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