7. He saved my life

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*Betty POV*

I woke up feeling awake and ready for the day. I had a shift at Pops today but only for the morning as I wanted to go and get some new clothes and make some phone calls to some people. It was around the time of the month where I would phone JB, Lott's social worker and Bradley and Blaine since I got a random parcel a while ago with their new numbers in the letter, to be honest they end up getting new numbers every few months since Blaine keeps getting involved with people who in my words , "seem to just love getting high" and since Bradley with always save Blaine they both have to get new numbers in order to just stay safe incase anything does nearly happen.Also if I don't call JB then I'm pretty sure she will murder me and I can't deal with that since I'm nearly 18.

I walked out of my bedroom already dressed as I was leaving for work in 10 minutes and I saw Toni in the kitchen cooking up eggs and bacon.When she saw me she smiled and said , "Ok I'm not the best cook but its still pretty good considering I'm self taught".I chuckled since how hard was it to cook eggs and bacon.Then again I can remember Bradley and Blaine....


I woke up to the smell of burning and I'm guessing we all did as Lottie was crying to the burning smell that filled the room and I'm guessing Mindy and Jack smelt it cause I heard Mindy partly scream.We all ran downstairs, myself with Lottie in my arms.As we stopped at kitchen , my mouth fell open.Bradley and Blaine had tried to cook breakfast and burned the eggs and for some reason put the bacon in the toaster.I don't even know why so don't ask me.I covered Charlottes ears as Mindy screamed , "BRAD, BLAINE. WHY??? WHAT ARE YOU DOING?YOU COULD BURN THE HOUSE DOWN..." and the rest I kind of blocked out as there was some swearing aswell so as Mindy gave the boys a lecture, I gave Lottie to Jack so he could let her go back to sleep on the sofa as I helped the boys clean up even though they insisted it was fine.It wasn't even because they didn't need the help cause hell yes they did but Mindy shouted at them more for letting me help even though I wasn't the one who started it.I told Mindy it honestly wasn't a problem and in response I was pulled into a bone crushing hug and her calling me her "angel child" and her favourite , the definitely had the boys shocked and stunned for a few seconds.


I shook my head out of my thoughts as Toni handed me a plate and sat down opposite me as we started some small random conversations until I waved to her goodbye and left the trailer.I wrapped my coat around my body closer as it was quite cold this morning.I kept my head down as I've always had this thought that doing that kept me warmer but then again thats why I was also so clumsy.It was going great until I was suddenly pulled back , making me fall to the ground on the side right before a car whizzed past .

I looked up to the person who had pulled me away from the road or basically saved my life and it was the one and only Jughead guy who ran the serpents or something , I remember him from the office I mean it was yesterday and he was really hot and nearly made me drool and ... - no I can't be like this ew I mean he was really.... NO I can't think like that .


I was on my way to POPS to get some breakfast for my dad and I when I saw Joaquin sister.. Betty I think her name was but one thing for sure is she was gorgeous.I have never seen someone so beautiful even when she was dressed in a simple shirt and jeans going out. I sped walk to catch up to her and not to be a freak but we both seemed to be heading the same way and she was new to Riverdale and I could maybe help the beautiful woman out.

As I got closer to her I saw that she wasn't looked head and she was doing the same thing I did as a kid, keep my head down to stay warm but it is really dumb as you can end up being really clumsy as you can't see what's infront of you.I saw the car speeding int the distance.. it was probably a Ghoulies as they are just something else.The ghouls are serpent enemy #1 and they always love practice races in the mornings .Anyway I saw Betty walking towards the road whilst the car from the distance was getting closer and closer, without a second of thought I ran towards Betty and pulled her back onto the side before she stepped into the road.My heart was pumping and I bet hers was too but I did what I have to have done.


Jughead helped me up of the floor and simply said , "you know it'd be easier if you looked up and maybe even get a scarf." I chuckled and replied , "yh.. ik thanks about that I'm a bit all over the place and don't always focus".He simply said it was alright and if I was skin which I just nodded.I took his appearance in and damn he looked fine today .Like seriously how is it humanely possible to look that good in the morning and not having every girl already falling at his feet cause I sure was .He asked me where I was off to and I told him about me working at POPS and that somehow shifted into a conversation about me giving him free burgers and that Madame laugh a lot.He also complimented my laugh aswell which made me blush like nobody has seen before and I'm pretty sure he noticed.

He started to walk with me on the route to POPS where we created lots of small conversation which made both of us laugh and myself blush and I'm even pretty sure I saw Jug (my new nickname for him) blush too.I have never felt happier going to work sinceI was with Lottie and that says something..... When we arrived at the front door of POPS Jughead stopped me and said , "hey after you're done with work I was wondering if you wanted to have a drink or something and I could show you little tour of Riverdale when I have my bike back " he said as he scratched the back of his neck. Was this a date? I mean I've only met him but he seems like such a amazing guy and I really like him so far. My plans to make the phone calls and shopping could obviously wait: in response to his question I just nodded and said, "sure id love to".He smiled so brightly thought his face would freeze and because of that I smiled too with a rosy blush of course.

He led my into POPS so I could start my shift and he could sit down in a booth.Kevin was already there and I just saw him mouth, 'you are telling me at our break' and I knew not to argue with Kev so I just nodded and made my way into the kitchen.Meanwhile Kevin practically ran out the kitchen with a notepad and pen to 'take orders' but obviously he was on his way to interrogate Jughead. Today was going to be a long day...


Thanks for reading this weeks SISA, I hope you enjoyed it;

My twitter, tumblr, wattled and Ao3 name is : @sprcusehrt

My insta name is : @lili_jones_cooper

Next weeks chapter should be on time properly and maybe even longer x

Bye x Love you all who have read this so far x

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