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he also stupidly decided to announce, "nice meeting you , im Betty actual brother" both of the twins heads snapped towards me with the scariest glares I had ever seen but mainly directed towards Joaquin...

UH OH....


There was a few moments of silence between us all.Then after a small glare session between the twins glaring laser beams at Joaquin, they both turned to me and in their freaky sync voice they raised their voice slightly shouting, "DID YOU KNOW ABOUT THIS? HIM?HERE?" .I gulped and nodded slightly plastering my sheepish smile to just pray they don't go ballistic on me.I knew that if they did it wasn't meant towards me but towards Joaquin but when they were angry I didn't know what to do . Ans ad my guess what right they did.

*The conversation is here cause speech marks take forever *

Bradley: so you're telling me that he *points at Joaquin * has been here in Riverdale and you knew

Betty: *scratched neck a little* well..yh


Joaquin: HEY! Don't shout at my sister!

*Blaine scoffed whilst Bradley laughed*

Bradley: You're just funny aren't you ? You have no right in any way to ever call her your sister!

Kevin: woah calm down there...

Betty: *pull Kevin aside and whisper in his ear * please Kev, don't get in-between them and Quin at the moment cause they might go from 0 to 100 real quick*


Joaquin: What the fuck do you mean I can't call her my sister.You might wanna tell that to yourself.

Blaine: Hey! You have no right to even question that.We were her brothers the day she came to our family.You.YOU!You stopped being her brother the day you ran off leaving a 13 year old and a 1 year old alone!

Betty: *whispering slightly as she was kinda getting scared at the twins raging voices* he had a reason.

The twins looked at me with angry faces .They didn't mean to seem angry toward me but I knew it was meant for Joaquin but it still scared the living crap out of me

Blaine: LIZZ? You're seriously backing him up after everything??? Remember Lotts crying?Remember YOUR nightmares ?The amount of months it took for those to go away. It was hell.He left you and Lottie when you were so young.Thank fuck for you finding us cause he could be the reason the two of you could be DEAD!

Bradley: Blaine calm down a bit..

Joaquin:Hey I had my reason to leave.We all make mistakes .I always have been and always will be their brother

Blaine :NO!No you won't.Because of you Betty had to grow up way to early.Because of you Lottie had nightmares for ages of the first few nights with her and Betty. Because of you both your "sisters" may be dead. Because of YOU ,MY little sister Lottie is bunged up in some foster homier Chicago .

*Blaine turned to me* Blaine: WHY? How can you believe any of the BULLSHT, that comes out of his mouth after everything you and Lottie went through . I thought you were smarter than this.Are you trying to get hurt again? I can't see you like this because of this dickhead . ARE YOU ACTUALLY DUMB???

Bradley tried to calm Blaine down but it wasn't working. Bradley tried whispering things into Blaines ear but Blaine pushed him.I was getting terrified because the look on his face reminded me of the fights me and Lotts witnessed on the streets and when we were in danger...


I was walking down the road back to the gang hideout to meet Lottie and the boys.I hated it here.It always stank and it wasn't safe but in this area and town this was the safest part of this whole community, to be somewhat protected. I was coming back from the shops cause they had a public phone and it wasn't traceable so it was great...

I was walking near a alleyway when within seconds I was pinned against the wall by two sets of hands and a cold metal object against my head.A gun. They had asked me what someone like me was doing near their "territory" and that I wasn't safe alone in really scary voices that made goosebumps pop out of my skin like nobody could imagine. One started to lean into kiss my neck but that shit wasn't going to ever happen on my watched so with the skills Bradley taught me and I used my free knees to knee his ribs, making one of their arms to loosen , giving me more freedom.The other tightened his hold so I kicked him as hard as I could in his private area and by then both of their arms had loosened so I was able to free myself and sprint towards the gang house..

As I neared the gang house a few members saw me and helped because I had then collapsed out of exhaustion whilst one of the ones in the back (whose name was Case) just stared as me with a I-dont-care-grow-up look and walked away. Case then looked behind me to see the guys who tried to hurt me nearing towards the house and double glanced at me before going towards to the two men running at me.

He had beaten the two men to the pulp in a few seconds as I was inside on the sofa with a glass of water and an icepack for my bruised ankle that was most likely sprained.Case walked dup to me and started shaking me whilst shouting about how I put everyone including myself in danger.I was useless and I should've bee the one to beat the two men not him and loads of other bullshit that I blanked out by the end but what I do remember is how he kept screaming "ARE YOU ACTUALLY DUMB?" And with the anger laced in his voice and him shaking me as much as he did I started to have a panic attack.It was very mental draining and I ended up in the corner of my room with tears dried on my face a new ones fell from my bloodshot eyes,

*End off flashback*

I was brought out of my memories as Bradley pulled Blaine off me who was shaking me.I didn't realise I was crying aswell until Bradley tried to hug me and wipe my tears but I pushed him off of me and went to leave the restaurant as my memories and Blaine has started to trigger a panic attack. Joaquin went out to pull me back but Kevin stopped him by saying I needed space thank god.I hear someone fall to the ground and took a quick glance and it was Joaquin on the floor however Blaine had a bloody nose and Bradley kept hitting and scolding Blaine.Everything got too much to handle and my voice blocked out the bickering voices in Pops whilst tears ran down my face as I shot out the door of Pops.

I wanted to just keep running however I ran into a some what hard wall with abs.I looked up...Jughead."Hey betts , whats u- woah woah woah what happened?" He asked once he noticed my tears.I just kept crying and then eventually fell on the floor, my breathing quickening yet it felt like there was no air in my lungs and that the world was closing in on me. I managed to just get out a few words to jughead , "Help... need... leave... no... stay.... Here"I cried. H picked me up with his strong arms and whispered sweet nothings into my ear and placed me into his truck nearby (like the pick up trucks) and started to drive whilst occasionally stroking my hair and helping my breathing to normalise again.I just remember hearing his sweet nothings and him saying , "its ok , you'll be fine B, ill protect you my love" as I fell into a deep slumber out of exhaustion...


Thanks for reading this weeks SISA, I hope you enjoyed it;

My twitter, tumblr, wattled and Ao3 name is : @sprcusehrt

My insta name is : @lili_jones_cooper

Bye x Love you all who have read this so far x

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