Chapter four

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"So how was you date last night?" Ethan asked entering my office and handing me a cup of coffee just the way I liked it.

"It was fun....romantic and one best dates I've ever been on," I replied giddy with excitement.

"hmmmmm. Sounds like you two had loads to talk about. So what's he like? I wanna know all about him."

"Well, he's cute."

Ethan cast me 'a get serious look'.

"Ok, he's English, twenty seven and he is the vice president of his father's multimillion dollar company in London."

"Nice! Soo he's rich, handsome and English! Looks like you found a great package. So what's he like?"

"Well he didn't say much about his background or about his family other than they're rich and from England. He barley has a social life because most of his time and energy is invested in his father's company. But he did say that he goes out occasionally."

"Hmmm there's not much behind the riches and good looks is there," Ethan said sympathetically. "So how much secrets did u give away?"

I laughed, "I didn't give away any of my secrets, I only share them with you."

"Good because a new boyfriend is ok but a new best friend is simply too much!!" Ethan joked.

"Now why would I give away your spot when you do such a great job at it?" I smiled brightly at Ethan.
"Actually he did seem to know a lot about me, I wonder who told him." I looked at Ethan waiting for him to confess to telling Andrew everything about me.

"That's a good question because I didn't tell him anything," Ethan said bewildered.

"Yeah right! So you expect him to magically know all that stuff about me, what I like and don't like, my favourite foods-"

"I'm serious Dreena! I didn't tell him anything," Ethan interjected.

I frowned utterly confused and distorted, "What! If you didn't tell him then who did?"

There was a knock at my door and my secretary entered holding a bouquet of Orchids.

"Ms. Blackman these are for you, from Mr. Reynolds."

She handed me the bouquet and after dismissing her I inhaled deeply allowing their lilac scent to engulf my nose. I remembered when Brad used to send me lilac scented flowers then my smile disappeared when I recalled how my favourite orchids turned into yellow roses and then to random, cheap flowers until they just stopped.

Ethan took the bouquet from my hand and inhaled, "Wow, lilac scented flowers! He really knows your favourites."

"Yep, he sure does." I replied a small frown creasing over my forehead. "Just don't know how he knew."

Ethan picked up the card in it and began opening it. 'Belle orchidee per un abbagliante bellezza,'

"Lovely orchids for a dazzling beauty," my eyes beamed more than it ever had.

"Whoa, hold up here, how did this guy know that you loved orchids and Italy? How did he even know you speak Italian?"

"I don't know, maybe he must have realized when I was able to read the Italian dishes on the menu fluently. "

"He ordered for you remember, the dish was waiting on the table for you guys when you came in." Ethan corrected.

My office phone rang, it was a call from Andrew! He was calling to ask me to dinner and I accepted.

"Let me guess that was Andrew, he wants to take you to dinner." Ethan said glumly.

"Yh and I accepted," I answered beaming.

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