Chapter Six

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I sat on the bed weeping. Some tears of joy, some an expression of the hurt in my heart. He wanted to marry me and now I drove him away. After Brad I didn't think I would be able to love again. Then along came Andrew. He changed my entire life in such a short space of time. He made it impossible not to smile and be happy. Above all he made it impossible to carry around all the hate and hurt Brad had planted inside me. He taught me how to love again. I was so happy with him although our future together wasn't sure, we were contented. And now simply because I couldn't trust him enough, he was gone and I wasn't sure if he was going to come back. I felt another tear stream down my face.

************Andrew's POV**************

'Oh God please don't let her find out about the deal Bead and I made.'
I thought to myself, fighting hard not to let tears stream out of my eyes.
I really can't believe that I agreed.
How could I be so selfish?
I was only concerned about my family's financial security and not how this was going to affect Kendreena. I really needed to get rid of my father's debts or what future would my family have? I have to correct this. I already lost one love from Brad devious plan I can't afford to lose another.'

I called Brad.

"Look man, I'm not going to continue with this scam," I said stringently.

"Did I heard you correctly?" his utter disbelief and annoyance showed in his tone of voice.

"I can't do this. She's sweet, caring and she fell in love with me."

"So what if she fell in love with you. Heck, Motherf@cker I doubt she is in love with you dumb ass," he laughed but was not at all in the mood for smiling. "So what's all this 'you can't continue with this scam'. Please don't tell me you fell in love with her too!"

I didn't respond.
'Was I in love with her? I admired how kind-hearted she was and couldn't stop thinking about her but love?'
"She's a wonderful person." I offered.

"Man shut the f@k up! You get to have sex with her and that wasn't even part of the plan. But I let it slide because I knew the end result was gonna be worth it. Besides I know you enjoy hitting that piece of ass."

His statement disgusted me. This was the way he was speaking about her! The woman who he claimed to love?

"It's not about the sex!" my voice towered over him causing him to be quite for a while.

"Dude just stick to the plan. You won't have to be around her much longer. She's already head over heals for you. When I say when, you discard her like trash. When's she's hurt and broken, I'll be there to pick up the pieces. Not long after that we'll be married and I'll have her father's money."


A few hours later Andrew walked into the hotel room. A thrill of relief flowed over me and I rushed over to him. Hugging him tightly I wept on his shirt, apologizing for not having trust in him and telling him how much I loved him. I looked into his eyes and saw confusion in them. I knew there was something he wanted to tell me but all I wanted to do was stay wrapped up in his arms.

"Ken- there's something I need to tell you," he began dolefully.

"Shhh," I put my finger to his lips gently silencing him, "it's all over now. I want to marry you and I don't care what you did in the past."
I kissed him softly. I saw fear in his eyes and wanted so desperately to quite that fear but I didn't know how. I looked deep into his eyes. He leant in and kissed me.

His kisses were more ravenous and demanding than they had ever been. I rose up and met his kisses with some of my own. He lifted me off the ground in one swift movement and in three lengthy strides. He dropped me on the bed and began removing red my sundress. I unbutton his baby blue dress shirt and removed his vest. He sent my sundress sailing across the room. He took great delight in stripping my bra off my body and sending it to meet my dress. He led a trail of kissed down my body coming to a halt at my stomach. It was only then that he looked into my eyes and I nodded for him to continue. He placed a kiss on my small butterfly tattoo on the left side of my lower abdomen. He raised his hands and slowly removed my underwear. He buried his head between my legs and I felt soft sensuous moans escape my mouth. My head began to swell with pleasure. I grabbed his head and ran my fingers through his thick dark hair.

'Oh my God this man never ceases to amaze me.'
He withdrew his mouth from me and I sat up immediately. I felt like if someone had brought me up into the sky in a hot air balloon and then dropped me.

"What's wrong?" my voice was heavy and my chest palpitating unsteadily.

He came and sat next to me. He placed his hand behind my neck and sighed deeply.

"I love you and I don't want to lose you but-" his voice was so sincere.

"Andrew, I don't care." I looked at him dead in the eyes. "I love you and we will get through whatever comes our way, okay?"

He was about to protest but I silenced him, "Okay?"

He nodded and shared a subtle kiss.

I lay back slowly and he climbed over me and we began again. I could barely wait to feel him inside me because instead and fore-play we went straight into making sweet, passionate love.

An hour later we fell asleep.

***Andrew's P.O.V****

Her deep words pierced straight through my heart. If only she knew the severity of what I had done. I had to tell her the truth even though I knew it would destroy everything. I simply have to let her know and even if it takes me the rest of my life to fix it, I will.


I woke up at eight that night and found Andrew sitting on the couch staring at the TV. He was looking at the TV just staring at it. I could tell that his mind was lost in his thoughts. I walked over to him and kissed him on the cheek.

"Honey, are you okay?" I asked gently.

Snapping out of his trance he smiled and asked me if I wanted to go out to dinner downstairs. I agreed and after we showered and got dressed together, we left our room.

We sat eating when Andrew began, "I just wanted you to know that you mean everything to me and what I'm about to tell you might change our lives as we know it but I can't continue on like this."

My chest tightened.

'What did he have to tell me?'

He took my hand and stared at the engagement ring there. He sighed.

"I kne-"

*Snap, snap.*

We looked around stunned to see a large group of paparazzi taking pictures of us.

"Miss Blackman is this man your new fiancé?"

"Is your relationship with Brad Cambridge over, if so why?"

"Are you having an affair with this man in spite of your relationship with Mr. Cambridge?"

My head began to swell with sheer bewilderment and utter disbelief.

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