Chapter two

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There was a knock at my bedroom door, "Ms. Blackman may I come in, I brought you breakfast?"

'Why can't everyone just leave me alone?'  " Take it back downstairs I'm not hungry!" I shouted back.

"But your father said-" the maid began again.

"My father is not at home, is he?"

"Yes mam he is."

"What! How come?"

"May i come in mam?" she asked again.

I opened the door and the maid came in holding a breakfast tray. She stood looking at me for a while as though she was accessing me.

"How come he isn't at the office?"

"I dont know mam, he got up and announced that he was not going into work today and judging by your attire I dont presume you aren't either."

I looked at my clothes.
I felt embarrassed. We both knew that that shirt wasn't mine. I knew instantly that she had already acknowledged that  and that she would take great delight in making that the topic of the day among the maids.

I can imagine her gossiping about it: 'Kendreena slept out last night and was dropped off this morning by some guy then she snuck upstairs thinking no one would notice.'

"OK. You may return to your duties."

"Would you like me to clean your room mam?"

'To find more evidence that I didn't spend the night here, yh right'.

"No that will be all." She hesitated. "Thank you Martha," I said and watched her reluctantly leave the room.

One hour later, I came downstairs fully dressed and ready to tackle all the work at the office.
"Where are you going sweet pea?" my father asked sweeter and more compassionate than I had ever seen him.

"To work," I turned to leave immediatley not wanting to further this conversation.

"Honey, I don't recommend you go in to work today or the rest of the week for that matter. You just went through a terrible ordeal and need some time to compose and recapture yourself. You know, get back on top of your life."

"Thanks dad but I really do have a lot of work to do and can't keep my clients waiting simply because one lunatic messed up."

"Sweedy one lunatic didn't just mess up, he hurt you and I know that you choose to disregard that fact but I know you are hurting. Please talk to your father, I know that I may not be the first person you would run to but I am here for you princess."

"I know dad but honestly I'm fine and being at the office helps me forcus on my career and future ambitions."

"You are every bit like your mom and I. You have my optimistic outlook on life and your mother's grace and charm. Enjoy your day darling."

"I will dad. Love you. Bye"

"Good bye sweetheart."

I sat behind my large desk and took a deep breath, breathing in all the work I had ahead of me and exhaling all the stress that came with it. I leaned my head back and tried my best to push thoughts of Brad from my head when a familiar voice shook me from my thoughts.

"Look who decided to come to work this morning," Eathan smiled in the door way.
Eathan was one of the lawyers at the firm. He was very steadfast when it came to his work and besides our business relationship, he was one of my very close friends. We often enjoyed stealing a few minutes from our work to sit and chat about pretty much anything and everything.

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