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"Look your father owes my company 1.5 million dollars and I'm proposing a way for you to work off some of that debt," his voice was devious and the glimmer in his eyes signaled that malice was brewing. "So do you accept the task?" he asked forcefully.

"Why are you asking me to do this? Its very selfish and cruel, I simply can't be apart of it." Andrew was adamant.

"Well then, my father and I will have no other option than to seize your late father's business. Let me see how you will support your mother, younger siblings in collage and your dying fiance'e."

"Don't you dare put Annie and my family in this!" Andrew made no attempt to conceal his contempt for the man standing before him. "Currently I may be in a financial abyss but that does not give you the right to play God with other people's lives."

"She only has a few weeks to live," the man continued, "and if you don't do something quickly she may die. Just think about it, how are your siblings going to finish collage? I know you're a smart man Andrew, take the deal." he urged.

Andrew lowered his head, the man had really done his homework.  The future of Andrew's family was in serious jeopardy and he couldn't just sit back and watch his family be destroyed.

"I'll do it."

"Smart choice," he handed Andrew the starter check of twenty thousand dollars and an envelope with the details of the project inside. On the top left hand corner of the envelope were the initials B.C.

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