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(This whole story is Canada's POV)
I leaned up against the bathroom door, thinking. Father would definitely kill me. Or punish me terribly at best. Australia would become more resentful of me. But living with America and Russia is all I have. I'm only 10, so I can't exactly buy myself a house. I sigh, and pick up the phone. It rings twice before Russia answers before him. "Hey, Canada. We're on our way." He says as he puts the phone on speaker. "Hey bro. Didn't we talk like, 20 minutes ago? What's up?" America said to me. "I'm just a little worried.." I say quieter than usual. "Ok, Look. You're fine, Remember? Me and Russy won't let anything happen to you.
We promise." Russia chuckles at the nickname he's been given, then goes quiet again. "Alright, C'ya, Bro." America says, them hangs up. I get up and walk towards my room door, opening it and walking inside the incredibly empty room. Not like it wasn't empty before I packed my things, I never get gifts from My dad like America and Australia do, but I don't complain. I lay down on the bed and wrap the blankets around me. I end up falling asleep, just a few hours before Russia and America were supposed to get here.
[TIME-SKIP: 1h 30m]
I wake up to Australia calling me from downstairs. I sit up immediately. My Dad, England, Then calls me as well. 'He sounds angry..' I whisper to myself. I walk out of my room and down the stairs. America was supposed to get here in 20 minutes, if I can stall for time, he can't hurt me. "Canada." He said in an anger filled tone. "Y-yes father.." I stutter. "Australia found your phone, Your brother was texting you about living with him. Did you agree to this?" I had no choice but to answer truthfully. "Yes father.." I say again. Father gets up, and raises his hand. I flinch before I am hit. Tears sting the corners of my eyes. "You know I hate doing this." Father says as he grabs my wrist. I wince in pain and try to pull away from his hand, only to gain him tightening his grip. "It's for your own good." He says. 'I have about 5 minutes until America gets here. That's it.' I think. This thought is the only think preventing me from sobbing. Australia laughs as I am taken up the stairs. "30 minutes." Father says to me. He's never put me in the closet for that long. I have claustrophobia, and he knows it. So he uses it against me. The door is locked and I'm left in the dark, small space. I end up hugging my  and knees, trying to find a way out. I'm almost hyperventilating, when, from downstairs I hear the door opening. "Hey, Dad. Here to get Canada." Is all I hear before I accidentally let out a loud sob. Apparently someone hears, and begins walking up the stairs. I know America knows Father uses this closet as punishment. So this must be him. But it's not. It's Australia. "Shut your mouth, we have guests." He whispers angrily, before walking off again. I hear conversation between sniffles. "He's not here right now" Is what I hear from both Father and Australia, But Then, More footsteps come up the stairs, sounds like 2 people. If it's Russia and America, they'll definitely help me. I feel lightheaded, but I begin full on crying, hoping that they hear. The closet door opens. After a second of fumbling with the lock. It's America. "B-Brother—" I make out. Russia covers his mouth. My brother bends down to me and looks me in my eyes. "Did he hurt you anymore than this?" Is his first question. I nod, pulling up my sleeve to reveal bruises and cuts up my arm from father grabbing me, his finger nails digging into my arm. I also turn my head to show the reddish mark across my face from when he slapped me. Russia looks at me with hurt in his eyes. My brother takes off his glasses. "Stay here baby." He says to Russia, who complies and stoops down to me. "How long has he done this? Or been doing it?" He asks, picking me up and walking me to my room. "Since I was little. When A-America was still li-living here." I stuttered. Russia places me down on the bed. "You must be exhausted." He says, smiling, but with the same hurt in his eyes. "Well, y-yeah.. But we have to go soon.."
Australia storms up the stairs. "Brat! It's all your fault!" He grabs my wrist and digs his fingernails into me purposely, causing me to yelp in pain. He pushes Russia to the floor. He tightens his grip as we go down the stairs. I realize he hurt Russia, as he's getting up, he winces and grabs his leg. "Please! S-stop!" I try tug away from his tight grip on my arm, but it hurts too bad with his fingernails in my wrist. America and Father both look over at me. I'm crying again, he pushes me onto the ground and I land on my hands and knees. I pull up my sleeve, the pain is unbearable. You can clearly tell where his hand was tightening around my wrist. America throws a "Fuck you!" At Australia. Father looks at me. He looks at me like he always has. He looks at me like a disappointment. I begin crying louder, but not quite a sob. Why? Why did Father hate me? Why was I like this? Russia came down the stairs and pushed Australia to the side. He was practically limping. This is all my fault. My brother, America, bent down and grabbed my less-sore hand. I smiled "S-Sorry.." He chuckled through the seriousness of what had just happened. He looked over at Russia. "Russy? What happened?" Russia shot a look at Australia. America furrows his eyebrows at my father and Australia. "Let's go." America says to me and Russia. We all walked out of the house, and got into a black car I presumed to be Russia's.

(Author Notes: Woeo I had fun with this chapter :> imma be making new ones 24/7 until I'm way too busy too, but this'll always be updated! Alright I guess, hope you enjoyed!-

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