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(This takes place maybe 3 months after the incidents, and it's close to Canada's birthday)

   I wake up normally in my room. I've been having less and less nightmares, and have been doing much better ever since I get to talk to Russia and my brother about what had happened at Fathers house. I smell waffles downstairs. My favorite. I've become more familiar with what foods are my favorites, and what foods aren't very good. I get up, and as soon as I put my feet on the floor, I hear my name from the kitchen. "Canada! Breakfast is done!" I hear Russia shout. "Coming!" I reply. I step out of my room and down the stairs that lead to the living room, and turn the corner into the kitchen. My brother is sitting at the table. He has a serious expression on his face. "Am I in trouble?"  I ask, sitting on the chair across from him. "No, but.." he looks down "it's March." He looks back up. "And you know what happens in March, right?" He asks me. I start thinking. We have me and Russia's birthdays in March. That's about all I can think of. I shake my head. "W-What?" I stutter. It has to be serious. "We have to go see Dad. For the conference." He says. Russia looks up. "That's this month?" He questions. My brother nods. "Australia called me last night." He confirms. I shudder at his name. I look at my brother. "N-No." I excuse myself from the table. Russia puts the plate of waffles down at my spot at the table anyways. When I get up, my brother catches me. "Not so fast." He says. He stands up and walks over to me. He kneels down to my height. "What did I tell you?" He looks at me. I look at the floor. "Y-you said you wouldn't let him hurt me." I reply. He nods his head. "Yes. And I'm going to keep that promise." He says. I look him in the eyes. "When? When is it?" I ask. "Friday." He says. "But that's tomorrow." I state. He checks his phone. "Oh Jesus, you're right. We have to hit the road tonight." I frown at him. "Ok. Let me pack my things." I say, walking upstairs. He turns to Russia, who looks back at him sadly. I wait at the stairs for a second, to hear them talk. "If he touches that kid, he's not gonna have a dad." Russia says, picking up the plate from the table and putting it in the fridge. "Hey, That might effect him badly." My brother says, scratching the back of his neck. "I'm gonna run him a bath, and then we'll get going after we pack up." He says. I run up the stairs all the way, into my room, where I shut the door quietly. I would have to stay the night, I'm guessing. I take some clothes out of my drawers and put them into a duffle bag. I also throw a flashlight and some other essentials. Just in case I got put in the closet. I put a pillow and a blanket In it. It fills the bag. I zip it up and put the bag in front of my door.
"Canada!" My brother shouts from the downstairs bathroom. "Coming!" I shout. I run down the stairs, but on the last step, I bend my ankle at an angle on the stair, causing a loud pop. Yelp and hold my ankle. "Canada?" Russia peers around the corner. "Canada! Oh god.." he picks me up. "What happened this time?" He asks. I explain what happened on the stairs. "Jesus kid. Stop getting hurt for a few seconds!" He laughs. I smile. "Hey baby! Get the ACE bandages!" He shouts. "Why?" My brother yells, shutting off the bath water. He looks at me, and then my ankle. "Christ." He chuckles. He goes into bathroom cabinet, and grabs out the bandages. "Be more careful!" He says to me, throwing the bandages at Russia. He wraps my ankle up delicately, clipping it in place and helping me up. "Don't go down the stairs so fast next time." He says in a caring tone. I nod my head and walk slowly towards the bathroom. My brother laughs. "Wow, just out of a bandage on your arm and now one on your foot?" He says, smiling. I laugh for a second and then feel the bath water. It was too hot, but he ran the whole tub and I didn't want to complain. "It's good." I say, taking my hand out and wiping it on my pajama bottoms. "Thank you." I continue. "No problem. Just don't take your time, we have to go soon." He says as he walks out and closes the door behind him. I get into the bath gradually, being as careful as I can on my ankle. The warm water touching me where my scars on my arm were is still a little painful, but enough to make me yelp when submerged. After about 5 minutes, I hopped out, inspecting my ankle before I changing into the clothes that I'm guessing my brother laid out for me. It was a white shirt with a flannel and some jeans. I mean, I always have my own outfits folded and put together in drawers, but this fit me well. I walked slowly out of the bathroom, and onto the loveseat. My brother and Russia were probably upstairs, packing, so I grabbed the remote and turned on the TV, watching mindless television until I heard voices from upstairs. "What if he gets hurt again? I wouldn't be able to live with myself!" My brother says to, who I'm assuming is, Russia. "You know we both won't let that happen. Besides, well be around him almost all the time." Russia responds. "But.. but what if something happens?" He says again. I can tell he's almost crying due to the lower tone of voice he's in. "Let's not do hypotheticals until we get there. Like I said, we won't let him get hurt." Russia proceeds. I start to feel bad. 'I'm causing them too much stress. I should've just stayed at Fathers.' I push the thoughts out of my head. I promised I would never think like that ever again. I curl up on the couch, one leg outstretched on the couch, the one with my hurt ankle. 'I hate that I'm this much trouble.' 'Stop.' I think. 'Stop thinking.' I feel the same sadness I felt in December all over again. My brother walks down the stairs, he puts his glasses back on, presumably to hide his eyes that were puffy from crying. I look at Russia who doesn't look back at me. My brother doesn't look at me either. I sigh. 'They don't want you here.' I think. 'STOP.' I think again. It's like I'm not the one putting thoughts into my head. Tears well in the corners of my eyes. 'Pathetic.' I think. I walk to the car with them and get in the back, the side where the window is left open to give me space. I sigh and look out the window, praying the thoughts I'm thinking aren't true.

[A/N: N-A]

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