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  I wake up in the early morning, close to 5am or so. Moving myself up an out of the bed, I looked out the window. It was supposed to be a cool night, nothing too terrible. Perfect walking weather. I threw on some socks and shoes, a light jacket, and silently walked down the stairs. The light illuminating from the kitchen scared me back upstairs. It's either father or Australia, both pretty big threats towards me. I closed my room door, and looked at the window. It was just big enough to fit me. I hadn't done something like this since America and me used to sneak off at night, but since I was older now, the jump must have gotten smaller, right?
I unlocked and opened the window, air hitting me and making it harder to breathe. I smiled at all the memories I had had on the roof. That one time Australia pushed one of his friends off of the roof, and we had to call an ambulance? One of the greatest ones. I snapped myself out of my nostalgia and climbed out of the open window. I closed it, and looked at the branch that made its way off of the old oak tree and towards the house. It had gotten smaller, so much smaller I didn't have to take a running start to grab onto the branch.  I pulled myself on top of it, walking cautiously but quickly across the thick but slightly unsteady branch. I then swung myself around onto a smaller but thicker and steadier branch, moving down the tree carefully from that one. This definitely was safer than taking the front door, I'm pretty sure..
As I was zoning off, I felt my foot slide off of the last of the 3 branches, this one being at least 4 or 5 good feet off of the ground. I lost my grip as well as my balance on the branches, falling off and hitting the ground. Luckily, I was only winded, but still in a slight bit of shock. I heard laughing and some clapping from the sidewalk by the house. "Eh?" I said. The voice laughed between chuckles. "Great performance, Dumbass."
I laugh it off, I'm used to insults, even joking ones. "Not like you wouldn't do the same thing, Mouth Breather!" I fired back, clearly joking as I was getting up. "SK! Hurry UP!" Another, Familiar voice, yelled from the far side of the sidewalk. "Ah, Gotta go I guess. Don't get distracted next time!" The voice called and ran off to who I could only say is North Korea. I felt slightly embarrassed, to be called out for something easily preventable, but still laughed at my utter stupidity. I got up, breaking the dirt from my jeans, and walking out from the squeaky gate to the sidewalk, moving quickly past my house, but more observantly past the other ones. I never actually thought about walking all the way Around the neighborhood, but this is it. I begin walking to a nearby garden, open to anyone who would want to pick flowers or just sit down and observe, study, etcetera. After passing multiple light poles and beautifully decorated houses, I came to the greenhouse//Garden setup close to the center of the neighborhood. I opened the gate and walked inside. Some fairy lights were strung to add an effect to the whole place. Some of the lights had gone out, but that added to a rustic design that complimented the place nicely. Smiling slightly to myself, I find a bench close enough to the entrance you can see out of the skylight close to the center of the building. Tonight was beautiful, the lack of light pollution here made it easier to see the stars shining brightly outside of the plexi-glass window. I've always been interested in space-themed things. I mean back at home, where I was living with Russia and America, I meant to get those Glow-In-The-Dark star stickers, but I was too afraid to ask, I'm too old for those anyways. I sighed gently. The sights were beautiful, but the sun seemed close to coming out and I had forgotten my sketchbook. I got up and walked to the exit, before I began to think of how I'd get inside the house without being noticed. I decided to go through the study. The window was close to the ground, and a direct walk to the staircase, just where I needed to be. I walked the 10 minutes it took to get to the house, getting there as the sun was just coming up. A purplish red sunrise this morning, beautiful, but I had no time to wait around. Father is probably already awake, and that added to how quiet I would have to be. I walked around the house to the window in the back, opening it and stepping through the much larger window compared to my bedroom one. I was relieved to see nobody was in the study, closing the window behind me and looking through the slightly blurry glass window. No lights were on, strange. I held my breath and opened the door, no response. This left me relived, but also worried. Why wasn't anybody here? I closed the door and walked up the steps casually, going in my room and shutting the door. Now inspired, I grab my sketchbook from where I had last placed it and took out my pencil, drawing different planets and stars, until I hear the front door slam and arguing ensuing. Muffled voices Turing into loud whispers as they get closer to my bedroom door. "Canada!" Australia demands. I drop all my things and walk cautiously towards the door. "Yes?" I respond. "Open the door." He commands. I comply, and he basically drags me downstairs. "What the hell?!" I yelp. The whole house goes completely silent, my breathing practically stopping completely. We had a few rules, but one of the most important ones were: Don't fight, Don't argue, And most importantly don't cuss. Even small words such as Hell were unacceptable, at least when their said by me.
I don't know where my sudden urge for conflict came from, but it definitely died down when Father looked at me for a short moment before inquiring, "Do you wanna repeat that?"
Whatever I was in trouble for was definitely doubled by now.
[A/N: Yo,
I'm so so sorry this took so long! I had some.. bad stuff happen. I had to go to the hospital for stuff I'd rather not go into. I have 8 stitches across my forearm, close to my wrist and was told to go easy on flexing and holding stuff in with it, (Which is what I must do to hold my phone comfortably,,) but yeah. Sorry if this is sloppy uwu🌺 skrt skrt 420 Gucci gang Kodak Black did nothing wrong]

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