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  The warm spring air flew into the car window, hitting one side of my face and some of my shoulder. It's a little cold, so I pulled my flannel up over my shoulder. My brother finally speaks up. "So." He says, still looking at the road in the passengers seat. "Yeah?" I reply, hoping to get an answer. "Never mind, actually." He says. The whole car gets quiet again, leaving me alone with my thoughts, really. 'Why don't you stay at Fathers. You deserve what happens.' I think. 'No! Nono, stop!' I think to myself. 'Don't do this! Not here!' I think again. 'Don't cry. Don't cry.' I inhale, and breathe out. This somehow catches Russia's attention. "You doing ok?" He asks. I look at my shoes. "Y-Yeah." I feel him look at me, then return to driving. I look back out the window, soon drifting to sleep, not able to keep my eyelids open. I wake up in the living room at Fathers. My brother, America, looks down at me; almost disgusted. My father and my other brother is there, looking at me like they always did. I'm about to say something when my brother turns around and walks away from me. I look behind me at Russia, who shakes his head and walks away from me too. My father gets up and grabs me my the wrist, pulling me up. "You Ruin everything." He says, backing me into a corner. He hits me. I start crying. "I-I'm sor-ry.." I stutter. "You are a mistake." He speaks in a low growl. "Please.. D-don't.." I stutter again. "I wish you were never born." He raises his voice. The words "This is for your own good" echo about my head. "Pl-please! No!" He grabs my wrist again, digging his fingernails into my arm mercilessly. "No!" I shout, he's walking up the stairs. I know where this leads, I struggle, before I snap awake. "N-NO!" I shout. It's a good thing we were at a rest stop, because Russia jerked, looking behind himself at me. "Kid, some people are trying to sleep he—" He notices the constant stream of tears running down my face. "Oh, Canada.." He opens the car door, waking my brother, who whined at the fact he was woken up. I repeat "I'm so sorry" between sobs. He walked around the car and opened my door. "Canada, snap out of it." He says, shaking me until I woke out of my daze. "I-I'm so sorry I was b-born." I stutter. Russia looks at me, a mix of shock, confusion, and anger on his face. "Canada! How could you say something like that!" He raises his voice. "Why would you be sorry about that?!" He says angrily. I look at the floor. "B-because I.."
I look at my brother, now fully awake but still drowsy, kneeling at the car door next to Russia.  "I.." I look at my brother, who raises an eyebrow. "English?" He says. I sob. "I'm just a nuisance." I say. I look away and cry into my sleeves. My brother tells Russia to move and grabs my arms, taking them from their folded position, and moving his hands down to mine. "Don't say that! Nobody thinks of you likeHe says, now looking me in the eyes. "Stop being so hard on yourself! Now please! Let's go to bed!" He says, pulling me in for an embrace that lasted more that a minute at the least. "Please. Don't believe that all this is your fault." He sighs. Russia looks at me and smiles, a familiar pain in his eyes. "Please, stay out of trouble. I can't have you getting hurt again. We can't have you getting hurt again." He says, looking me in the eyes. I can't believe I'm like this. I'm such a chore. Tears start to well up in my eyes again. My head hurts. I just want to go to bed. I nod at him. He leans into the car and pulls me into a hug, Then lets me go. I let out a long sigh and close the door.
[TS- 4:30AM]
I wake up, the cold draft of the open window hitting me hard, it makes it a little hard to inhale. It looks like I'm the first one awake. I open the car door carefully, as to not wake up my brother or Russia, both sleeping peacefully. I don't know what time it is, all I know is I'm still tired. The anxiety is constantly bugging me, What if something happens? I can't just go back to bed. If I have another nightmare I'll wake up both my brother and Russia. I think I got a good 30~ minutes of sleep. I walk into the actual building the parking lot goes too. The front desk is empty, except for a small basket of mints, the sign says "Take 2". I oblige and I take 2, putting them in my coat pocket for later. I look at the vending machine. Nothing I would want. I walk out of the building, and walk back towards the car, silently opening the door and getting back in. I open my bag as carefully as possible and take out a notebook and a couple different pencils. I get back out and walk to the building, sitting on the benches they have outside. I draw. Mostly things around me, sometimes myself or my brother and Russia. Sometimes of Father. I usually tear those out, but I keep them in the pockets built into the notebook. Father always said that that I should do something better than art with my life. Mom would've liked for me to be able to draw like her. My breath hitches at the thought. I exhale slowly, forcing the thought out of my head. I continue to draw, until I hear the car door open. I look up, and it's Russia. My brother still fast asleep in the passengers seat. He closes the door gently and walks over to me. He doesn't say a word, sitting down on the bench and watching me draw. I fold the book to a close and lean on him. I'm so tired.

[Authors Note: Hey dudes, I'm thinking about rewriting this series, my writing style has changed so yeah. Ooor I may just write the rest of it in my new style. Yeah I'll do that cause I'm too lazy alrighty bye I guess ^^)
Also this is cringe I know my friends pointed that out ;-;..]

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