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I didn't sleep the whole way. My mind was racing. My brother, America, drove us to a rest stop where we all had time to sleep. "Get some rest, bro. I know you're awake." He said to me. "O-ok." I said, yawning. Russia stayed in the front seat, his leg propped up on the dashboard so it would heal properly, and most likely overnight. I let my eyes close, and soon drifted off. I woke up somewhere dark. My brother and Russia were nowhere to be seen. I decided to go look. I opened the car door to be pulled out by my wrist. I looked up, whimpering helplessly in distress. It was my Father. He raised his hand and smacked me hard. "Canada." I was crying. "N-NO!" I yelped. "CANADA." I woke up almost screaming. "G-GET AWAY FROM ME!" I yelled. My brother and Russia both recoiled in shock. I was visibly shaken. "I-I'm so sorry..I just.." My brother leaned into the car. "We're going to Japans Flat. Get out." I comply, and get out of the car. "So, What was that about?" Russia implies. "I had a nightmare." I shudder. It's colder than I thought it would be. The walk was about 10 minutes, so I'd have to get used to it. "That explains it. You were making weird noises and sweating a bunch while we were trying to get you up." My brother says. "What was it about?" He says. "W-well.." I stutter. "It was about dad." My brother says in a caring tone of voice. I nod. My brother stops and so does Russia. My brother gets down on one knee, about my height, and looks at me. "He's not going to even touch you ever again. I'll make sure if that." I smile. "Okay. I trust you." He smiles back at me and embraces me. Russia looks at me after My brother let's go and gets up. "Here." He takes off his jacket and throws it at me. "It's too big, I'll get it dirty dragging it on the ground though.."
"It's fine! I can just wash it."
"Ok.." I say, slipping the very oversized jacket over my shoulders. It's heavy, but it's warm. "Almost there, Want me to carry you or something?" My brother asks, smirking. "You bet!" I say, Russia laughs as my brother effortlessly picks me up bridal style. "Jesus, when was the last time you ate?" I looked at him directly in his eyes. "2 days ago, why?" Russia stops. "Two days ago?"
"Yeah.. I always made the food.."
My brother looks down at me. "But never got to eat it.."
My brother sighed. "I'm sorry I wasn't there to help." I smiled. "It's ok. You're here now."
He chuckled "Dork.",
After a few minutes of dead silence, my brother put me down. "Is Japan nice?" I ask. My brother and Russia look at each other, then down at me, "One of the nicest people you'll ever meet! She makes the best food and she always lets us stay over if we're in the area." My mouth starts watering. "Food?" I ask again. "Mmhmm" Russia says as we walk into the building. They have beautiful floral carpeting. "So." My brother bends down to my level. "They have an elevator or the stairs. I know you hate elevators, so if you want to take the stairs, go ahead. Ok?" He whispers. He knows I don't like people knowing I'm claustrophobic. Especially after telling Father and getting the closet as punishment. "I'll take the stairs." I say confidentially. "Why?" Russia implies. "Er, I need exercise?"
"You're at least 5 pound under the average size for a 10 year old." He says.
My brother stops the conversation. "Let him take the stairs, Russy~" My brother says.
Russia goes a shade of pink. "O-ok.." he says as my brother pushes him into the elevator. I wave at them and look at the at least 17 flights I have to climb. This is going to take a while. I walk up the first few flights without problem, but on the others got harder. As I stopped to take a rest, I heard more footsteps going up the stairs. I hear my name. In Australia's voice. "I'm going insane." I remark to myself, and continue walking. "Three more flights.." I say panting, resting on the stairs. Russia walks down the flights. "What are you doing?!" He asks me, while picking me up. "I was resting." I say to him. I look at him, exhausted, as he walks up the stairs. "Your brother was worried sick, it took you around 25 minutes. What held you up?" Russia asked me. "I heard my name.." Russia stops. "What do you mean? These stairs are only really used for emergencies. Nobody that lives here, let alone knows you, would take them." He says "It sounded like.." Russia continued up the stairs. "It sounded like My brother."
"America's upstairs, though."
"No." I say. "The other one." Russia looks at me. "Really? You're not joking?"
"No.. I'm a little freaked out too.
"Don't worry. Me and America won't let either of them touch you. We promise."
I smile and relax, laying my head on his chest.

We get up the stairs, and to the apartment. I smell bacon and eggs. My mouth waters. "Smell good? Wait till you get inside the apartment." The door opens and I jump out of Russia's arms. He lets out a chuckle and looks at my brother. "Wow." Is all I can say. It smells heavenly. Who I can only guess is Japan walks over to me. She's tall, almost as tall as Russia. She's wearing cat ears, for some reason, and she's also wearing a crop-top ish shirt with pastel blue shorts. She raises her hand to shake my hand, I'm guessing, but I flinch and cover my face. "I- oh.. I'm so sorry.." she puts her hand down . I grab it and shake it Anyways. "It's ok. You probably didn't know." My brother is over by the table. "Hey, we have the food ready!" I beam at this news and walk over to the table immediately.

(Authors note:
So height charts because I was thinking about how I probably sound like I'm describing literal Giants (ヅ)
England: Tallest, 6'2 (40 or so)
Russia: 6'1 (17 yrs)
Japan: 5'8 (19 yrs)
Australia:5'8 (18 yrs)
America: 5'7 (17 yrs)
Canada: 5'1 (10 yrs)
There ya go :>

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