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   I awoke in the familiar grey car, a hand waving in front of my face. "Canada! Get up." My brother says, handing me a plastic container filled with pre packaged cereal. I rub the sleepy out of my eyes and put the cereal to the side, stretching out and waking up completely. "We could have went out if it wasn't for somebody forgetting the wallets." Russia says while shooting a look at my brother. My brother laughs shortly, pushing Russia a bit. He chuckles and then gets a bit more serious. "I'm on the highway! You want us to get killed?" He asks, his full attention on the road. My brother sticks his tongue at Russia. I laugh at their bickering, before opening the cereal and popping a few pieces in my mouth. I stay silent, I'm known for making weird noises when I'm tasting something I like. "No good?" Russia asks. "No, it's good!" I reply. "Can't be, you're too quiet." My brother adds on. I look out the window and feel a particular feeling of dread pass over me, when I notice the street sign that was always close to Fathers house. "Hey Baby, sure you were given the right information? No cars." Russia says as he slowly stops the car. I feel my stomach go into a knot. "Maybe were early. Let's just get this over with so all of us can get home." I say, almost begging. Russia and my brother notice my sudden change of tone. "Ok. In and out." My brother says. He gets out and I throw on my flannel and step out. I look up at the house, it looked..Menacing. Probably only to me, Though. Even though the air was warm, a chill slowly made its way up my spine. Russia gets down on one knee, and looks at me dead in the eyes. "You stay close to me and America this whole time. You got that?" I nod. "Tell me." He says. "Okay. I promise." I say firmly. He gets up and rubs my head before motioning us forward. I look back at my brother. He sighs gently and walks with us. I get behind my brother as Russia knocks on the door. My brother puts his hand on my shoulder to get my attention. He looks at me and smiles. "You're gonna be ok." He says under his breath. The door opens to Australia. I look at my feet. "Come in." He says. Russia shoots Australia a warning glance and walks in. I'm resisting the urge to feel lightheaded when I walk into the house. For a short moment, the sound around me seemed drowned out, like I was underwater at a pool party. I felt strangely.. calm, though I was still overwhelmed by the anxiety looming over me. "Hey." My brother snaps me out of my dazed state. "C'mon. In and out. Remember?" He says under his breath. I nod gently and walk over to the couch placed in front of the Coffee table. I stare at my feet. I almost go back to a dazed state, before I hear footsteps move from the dining room to the living room, a familiar hand sliding a few papers over the glass and wood table. I look up, for a split second. And the smirk on Australia's face tells me something. I wondered where Father was. My brother picked up the papers cautiously. Not a word had been said between us walking into the house to now. The tension was rising at a rapid speed, The cold air within the house becoming uncomfortably humid. "Wh-What?" My brother gets out in a stutter. Australia chuckles. "Do you need Your boyfriend to do everything for you? Can you read?" He taunts. I feel my throat tighten. Russia grabs the papers from my brother as soon as he's done reading. He puts them down on the table. "I turn 18 in 13 days." He states. "You think I can't convince a judge to declare me as adult?" He stands. "What did you think you were trying to do?" I feel the anger rise with the tension. I feel a pressure increase on my shoulder. I stay completely still. If my brothers and Russia are in front of me, then..
The hands grip tightens, pulling me upwards. I yelp at the sudden moment I'm dizzy. "Canada." The familiar voice says sternly. "F-Father.." My brother puts the papers down. He walks over and gets on one knee, around my height. "There's nothing we can do until we can get a court date." He says. Tears well at the corners of my eyes. He hugs me, pulling me close. My father looks.. proud. But not at me. Not at anybody else. But himself. "Russia stares father down. The cold I see in Russia's eyes even makes a chill go up my spine. "Whatever mark appears on that child's body, I'll make it 10 times worse on you. Bastard." Russia spits at my father, venom lacing the whole sentence. Apparently that's enough to set Australia off. He pushes Russia and my brother out of the door. My brother looks me dead in the eyes, not a pain filled stare, but more or a persistent one. The door shuts and locks, leaving me, Australia, And my father all over again. Father makes sure my brother is gone before grabbing my arm hard, pushing me against the cold walls. "What were you even thinking when you left?" He tightens his grip on my wrist. "Hm?" He implies. I whimper helplessly. Attempting to pry away from his ever tightening grip on my arm. I let out a sob, "S-sorry father.." I manage. He rears his hand back, I flinch and try to cover my face with the free hand I had. I fail, the hand still hitting me.

Authors note:Hey dudes! Thanks for all y'all supporting me! Really lifting my spirits! Also, this is shorter that usual because bad family stuff I'm going on;-; but yeah— Country Roads Let's a Go it's a me Mario 👏

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