Night Terrors

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I shovel the eggs into my mouth, causing Japan to laugh. "Hungry?" She asks, smirking. I nod my head, and swallow the eggs in my mouth. "Delicious!" I beam. She smiles along with my brother and Russia. I get up with my empty plate. I place it in the sink, but some of the warm water hits my wrist, causing me to wince and almost drop the plate. My brother raises an eyebrow. "You want to show me your arm?" He asks. "Oh, I thought you already knew.." I say, walking over to him. I pull up the sleeve to my flannel, showing the bruises and cuts from being grabbed by my wrist. The newest one, at the base of my wrist, darker and more painful looking that the rest. My brother winced. "Ouch.." he states, looking over at Japan. "Do you have any bandages or something?" He asks. She looks over. "How bad is it?" She inquires, walking over to me and Grabbing my arm. I bite my lip, suppressing the urge to yelp. "Jesus. Hold on." She says. She comes back with an ace bandage and what I can only assume is rubbing alcohol. "This is gonna sting, but it will help. Ok?" She asks. I nod my head. She puts some of the alcohol on a cotton ball and rubs it on the wounds. I bite my lip hard, and start tasting blood. I stop biting it, and blood dribbles down my chin. "Jesus, kid." Is all Russia can say. My brother is off to get a paper towel. After a minute or two, she wraps the bandage around my arm, and I use the towel my brother gave me to get the blood of of my face. She clips the bandage into place. "Keep this on for a month or so, or it may get infected." She says, I smile. "Ok, thank you!" She smiles. "You're welcome."
After everyone finished eating, I left the table and sat down on the couch with Russia and my brother. I leaned into my brother, and ended up falling asleep. When I woke up, everyone in the apartment was gone. I looked around, and didn't find any sign of anything, or anyone. I walked out the door, when the elevator opened. It was Australia. "H-Hello, brother.." I said wearily. He grabbed my wrist. "Hello, Canada." He smiled. I cried out in pain. "B-BROTHER!" I shouted before he slammed me against the wall, winding me. I coughed and choked, trying to catch my breath. I fell to the floor where he kicked me in the stomach. "RUSSIA!" I yelped between coughs and gags. He grabbed me by my wrist and hoisted me up. "Nobody wants to help you." He said into my ear. "J-JAPAN!" I stuttered. "A-anyone!" I whimpered helplessly. "You're pathetic." He said. I tried to pull away, but his grip on my wrist tightened. "Canada." He said. "NO! S-STOP!" I shouted. "CANADA." He said again. I jolted awake, looking around. "N-NO!" I shout. The couch is empty again, and I only hear voices from the back room. I walk back, and stand in the door way. Russia and my brother were having a conversion, until they looked over at me. Russia spoke first. "What's up?"
I sighed. "I had another nightmare." Is all I say before I feel a tear roll down my cheek. "Aww, come here.." my brother says. I comply and walk to the bed. It's a little tall so I struggle for a second to get onto it. "P-please don't hate me.." I whimper. Russia grabs my shoulders. "Who ever said we would ever hate you?" He asks, a serious tone. "Nobody..?" I answer.
"That's right. Now you can stop worrying. Because we have never in our lives thought about hating you, Right?" Russia says, looking over at my brother. My brother confirms. "Never. And if anyone says that we hate you, they're lying." He says again. I look down. "Sorry.." I apologize. Russia lets go of my shoulders. "Don't apologize. It's not your fault you went through all this." My brother says.
"We're leaving today, we gotta get back to me and Russy's place." He says almost immediately after. I smile. "Ok, I'll be ready." I say. I get up and hop off the bed. I walk into the living room and grab Russia's jacket. I also get my hat and put it back on. I guess it feel off while I was asleep. "Ready!" I shout to the back room. "Hold on!" Is what I hear back from both my brother and Russia.
[TimeSkip, 15 minutes]
I wait in the couch, assuming Japan had gone somewhere, because I had explored the house while I waited. My brother and Russia walked out of the room, blushing. I don't question it. "Let's go! I've never been to your house before and I'm exited!" I say, slipping Russia's jacket over my shoulders. "Ahh, alright, alright" my brother says, smiling. They both go into the elevator, and I walk towards the stairwell. My brother grabs the hood of Russia's jacket and pulls me into the elevator. "Sorry, but I'm not letting you take 25 minutes again." He says sternly. I look at him, and he looks away. He knows I can't be in small spaces for long. I turn my head away from him. I feel the anxiety kicking in, so I clutch his arm. "Whats wrong?" Russia asks. I look at him. "I have-" The elevator starts and it shakes a bit. "Claustrophobia." I finish my sentence. He pats my head. "Hey, this won't take long. Just a quick ride do—" The elevator halts suddenly. "Down." He says .The doors open and we walk out. I let go of my brothers arm and walk out immediately, and the other two do a little bit farther behind me. "Alright, let's get going." My brother smiles at me, picking me up. I smile back. We walk out of the building, towards where we parked the car.

Authors note: Is Canada too traumatized? Really I'm just recalling what I felt like after MY traumatic situation (but with Canada as me I guess lmao)

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