Chapter 14

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Magic's POV

Everyone in school has been giving me strange looks like the first time I came here.  I haven't seen Asher today and l'm simultaneously happy and sad about it. I'm happy because I still feel like I betrayed him but I miss him.

He called a couple of times but I didn't answer. I couldn't, I don't know what to say to him.
" Look girls the slut is finally in school" by the sound of that voice I know its the little cobra, Chloe.

I rolled my eyes at her comment. She was wearing an evil smile with Jessica and Beth smiling too.
"What do you want?" I spat. I can't wait for her to say whatever rubbish she wants to say, so I can go to class.

She turned to Jessica and took her phone and showed me a video of James and I . A video of James kissing me from yesterday.

"What's that?" Lisa asked.

"Where did you get that?" I asked Chloe.

I didn't even know the kiss was recorded. How did it get out?! Asher can not see this, if he does then....

"Did you think no one would find out your little game?" She smirked.

She turned around to face everyone in the halls.

"There you have it everyone, Magic Carter is a two timing slut!. She cheated on her boyfriend with his cousin! Such shame"

"What is that cobra saying?!" Lisa yelled.

I looked around the hall and my eyes meets Asher's. He began to walk towards  me and I begin to cry. I head began to spin and my heart came up to my throat.

"Asher I promise you I can explain" I say and feel hot tears stream down my face.

I don't know what I do if he doesn't believe me.

He balls his fist and stops right in front of me.

" I don't want to here it. I've seen the video a thousand times. I keep trying to see if its a different person but its you!. Magic why?. I thought you... You know what? Forget it. We both know what you are, so you can do whatever you want" he says and attempts to walk away but I hold him back.

Holding on to the small ray of hope that he might believe me. But it dies once he looks back and pushes me with force and I fell down. Everyone watched and left.

I was just there on the floor crying. My whole world collapsed right in front of me. I really wish Camila was here right now.

"Oh my God!, that did just not happen" Lisa said. I imagined her sitting beside me.

"Yes Lisa it just did. He didn't let me speak he  believed the video not me"  I said and got up.

"I'm sorry" Lisa said.

Its not her fault that this happened, it's mine. I didn't tell him because I was scared of a silly mortal!. I'm a witch for crying out loud!.

I continued crying and walked to my car. All I want to do now is go home and stuff my face with ice cream .

I began driving and I couldn't stop the image from playing in my head. He looked hurt and disappointed. Like the time he thought his parents weren't coming for his birthday only worse. I continued driving and soon I saw myself in darkness I  could only hear sirens and then I couldn't hear anything.
Asher's POV

"Asher! Bro?. You didn't let her speak." Jason yelled at me once we walked out the hallways away from the drama.

"I don't want to hear it! Jason just leave me alone!" I replied trying to keep my cool.

"Well you better want to hear this cause either way your going to hear it" Anthony approached us.

"That was totally unfair! You left her on the floor! She's crying there on the floor!" Anthony said.

I really don't want to hear anything from anyone. It's no one's business.

"I don't want to hear it, Anthony!" I clenched my jaws.

"Well too bad you need to accept it. What's is wrong with you" Jason yelled.

I actually don't know what happened out there. I know I messed up but I was angry.

"Look guys am really sorry, I don't know what happened out there. I just was so angry I ...."

"Save it, you should be telling that Magic not us" Jason snapped.

Just as I was about to agree with him, I got a call from Magic.

"Hello?" The person spoke from the other end of the line.

"Who are you? Where's Magic?" I asked.

"Calm down sir. She had an accident and is now in the hospital. Green Leaf hospital. Please hurry"the person said and hung up.

"Who was that?" Jason asked.

"Magic's in the hospital and....."I began but found it hard to speak.

"Well what are we waiting for? Let's go!" Anthony yelled and we all ran to my car.

Jason and I in front and Anthony at the back.

The ride to the hospital was quite. Jason and Anthony didn't bring up the topic about Magic and I was grateful.

I needed to process everything and once I did, I realized it was all my fault!.

Once we got to the hospital,we saw Mrs Carter already in the waiting room crying. She was in the operation room. I walked around the waiting room for four hours until the doctor came out.

The operation went well but she was still unconscious. The boys and I managed to get Mrs Carter to go home. She looked tired and needed to sleep.

They let me stay in the room but only for the night.
I sat down on the sofa provide.

All this is my fault. If I listened to her maybe she wouldn't have been in this horrible state.
But I was too angry and I didn't let her speak. I'm such a fool! She is here because of me.

As I continued thinking about it, my eyes closed and I drifted off too sleep

I hope you guys like this chapter. Please don't forget to vote and comment. Enjoy ❤

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