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"Stop." I said, not looking up from my book.

"Stop what?" Jennie replied, acting oblivious.

"Staring. It's creepy." I said . She has been staring at me for the past five minutes. Like the key for world peace was hidden within my face.

"I'm not staring." She retorted easily. She's so fucking annoying. It's like this almost every day.

"Yes you are. Stop it." I finally looked up and saw that she was, indeed, staring. She had a small smile on her face. It compelled me to start staring at her as well. Not because I wanted to, but because I had no other choice. What else could i do? She looks so at-peace, with her chin resting on her hands, head tilted a bit. A bit of hair had fallen onto her face and I had the overwhelming urge to put it back where it belonged. Away from her heavenly face.

"Now you're staring." Jennie said, accompanied with a shit eating grin.

"Revenge." was the only thing I said, as I continued staring at the beauty in front of me.

Of course, this was merely an excuse. I just wanted to appreciate how cute she looked today. She had on a huge oversized hoodie and her hair was down. I wanted to curl up with her and take a nap. Boring, right? i know, I'm totally whipped.

Jennie rolled her eyes, promptly losing the staring contest we were in.

"You look nice today." She had the audacity to say. I wanted to hit her. And hug her.

"O-oh. Thanks?" I said, pathetically flustered. I was hoping she wouldn't notice but based on how wide she smiled, I assumed she did.

"Aww Rosie, are you blushing?" She said with a magical laugh. That laugh should be illegal. It does unhealthy things to my poor fragile heart.

"Pfft. You wish, dork." I said with a scoff, trying to hide just how much her teasing effected me.
"I do wish. You look cute while blushing."

So that obviously caused me to do the exact thing she said and gosh, there's that laugh again. I wanted to run away. She was acting extra weird today. I might faint.

Jennie got up and swiftly moved to my side of the bench and sat down. Then she turned sideways and faced me. Eyes full of mischief and a lopsided grin on her face.

"Hey." She said in a low voice. In that moment, I hated her. She was being too cute. I was starting to fall even deeper. Unacceptable. I decided to express this sentiment by blatantly ignoring her.

"Oh?" Her tone was playful, "Silent treatment? Very mature, Chaeyoung."

I continued being "very mature".

"Oh come on! Please look at me. Pleeeeeaaase."

The ignoring intensified. I hoped she continued doing this because it was adorable. I was barely holding back a smile.

"Fine. I'm leaving."

That got my attention. Jennie stood up to leave and I quickly turned and grabbed her wrist. She sat down again and I finally looked at her. Wrong move. She looked sad. I made her sad. Idiot.

"Shit I'm sorry I didn't mean to I was just--" I was cut off by a single loud snort that turned into full blown laughter. She was clutching her stomach and wiping tears from her eyes and the scene made me start laughing as well.

"You're such an asshole." I said, when we finally settled down.

"I'm your asshole."

"Ew. No. Rejected."

Chaennie One-Shots Where stories live. Discover now