And I Wanna Be Your Favourite Girl

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You know, in hindsight, I probably should've seen this coming. It wasn't my intention to fall in love with her. In fact, never in a million years would I have ever thought this could happen. But the universe had different plans for me I suppose. It's not a problem honestly. I can handle loving her. She doesn't have to know what happens to my heart whenever she's around. It doesn't have to be complicated.

I wish it didn't hurt this much though.

* * *

Jennie and I have been friends for about 7 years now. After moving from Australia to Korea, she was the first friend I made. We met in the dance academy I joined shortly after settling down in Korea. Conveniently enough, she was one of the few students who could speak fluent English and I took a liking to her immediately. Her cool demeanor when she danced and her soft personality whenever she wasn't appealed to my heart. Suffice to say, it wasn't long before we became inseparable.

We were considered a unit, even back then. Rosé and Jennie. Jennie and Rosé. Jennie Kim and Park Chaeyoung. Never one without the other.

It was easy. Being with her.

That is. Until it wasn't.

It all started when Kim 'Kai' Jongin joined the academy. Now, let me say right off the bat that he was one of the sweetest boys I personally have ever met. He was kind and dependable and hilarious and . . . well. You probably know where I'm going with this. Apparently he was totally Jennie's type. Her words. Not mine. And of course, at the time, this wasn't a problem at all. In fact, I was absolutely over the moon happy for her. She has good taste, I could say that much.

Anyway, so inevitably, they start talking and hanging out and having fun and enjoying one another's presence and all that jazz and eventually, they started going out.

For the first few months, everything was smooth sailing. We were all happy. Kai and Jennie were 'in love' and I was just happy my best friend was happy. It was all great.

Until one night, when Jennie came over to my apartment, stupid drunk, after a fight with Kai. To this day, I'm not sure what exactly they fought about. I mean, I would've inquired more about it if it wasn't for. . .

Well. You'll see.

So, Jennie was drunk. I was concerned. She was a crying mess and I was her handkerchief for the night. I didn't mind of course but like, damn, how much snot can one girl produce?

I took her to my room after she calmed down a bit and ran her a hot bath. During the time I spent doing that, Jennie thought it would be a splendid idea if she took off all her clothes, save her undergarments, and took a small nap right there on my bed.

I came back to find her snuggling my pillow and getting tears and snot all over it.

I couldn't find it in my heart to be annoyed. She just looked so adorable.

Warning bells, much?

I let her rest for a while before going to wake her up, knowing if she slept like that she's gonna wake up feeling like pure shit.

"Hey..." I said softly, placing my hand on her arm. "Jen?"

"Mhmmnph." Came her graceful reply.

"I ran you a hot bath. Go on, it'll help you relax and maybe we can avoid a hangover, yeah?"

I pushed some stray hairs out of her face and rested my hand on her cheek. She seemed to really enjoy this, if the pleased humming that came from her was any indication.

"Don't wanna. Am comfy." She said, voice heavy with sleep.

"Jennie. Come on, I'll help you u--" Before I could finish my sentence, Jennie grabbed the hand that was reaching out to pick her up and pulled me down on top of her. She put both her arms behind my back and locked me in place.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 24, 2020 ⏰

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