She's An Idiot But She's My Idiot

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guys I know it's my own story but I'm so fucking attracted to Rosie in this one istg. have fun ;)


"Wakey wakey, Chaeyoungie!!!" Jennie squealed, flopping down on top of Chaeyoung, disturbing the peaceful slumber she was in.

Incoherent, but relatively angry mumbling was heard from under the covers where Chaeyoung lay.

"Come on! We have a photoshoot in two hours and I know you need at least an hour and a half to properly get ready. So rise and shine!" Jennie said, sitting on top of Chaeyoung who was still under the covers.

Jennie crossed her arms and waited for a few moments to see if Rosé would stir but when she stayed motionless, Jennie decided to up her game a bit. She got off of Rosé and ripped the duvet from her body, revealing Chaeyoung in her pink pyjamas.

At last, Rosé opened her eyes and outright glared at Jennie for disturbing her precious sleep.

Jennie was used to Rosé's constant moodiness by now so it didn't faze her at all. Out of all the members, Jennie was the only who wasn't even a least bit intimidated by Rosé. Hence, why they sent Jennie to wake her up.

"Go. Away." Rosé said in a low, menacing voice and Jennie involuntarily shivered because wow, an angry, half-asleep Chaeyoung with messy bed hair was unbelievably hot.

Jennie willed herself not to lose her composure and just raised an eyebrow and stared Rosé down.

"Nope. Not until you get your ass out of bed and go get ready. Please hurry. I don't want to get late because of you again." Jennie said, making a show of looking at her watch and then back at Chaeyoung, who seemed to intensify her glare.

Jennie thought this was rather cute instead of scary.

"Ugh, fine. Would you please get out of my room now?" Chaeyoung said, rolling her eyes and lazily getting out of bed.

"Don't be late." Jennie warned, throwing the duvet in her hand on the bed and going out of Rosé's room, intentionally leaving the door open because she knew it would annoy the heck out of Rosé.

As intended, she heard a loud and exasperated groan come out of Rosé's room and a huge slam was heard.

Jennie chuckled to herself. She probably shouldn't push Rosé too much but god was it fun to watch her whine. She had a feeling that today was going to be a very interesting day.


Two hours later, they were driving to their destination and Chaeyoung was especially grumpy today. Probably due to being woken up so abruptly. Well, it's her fault for sleeping so late.

After a while of sulking, she finally relented and rested her head on Jennie's shoulder mumbling something about only doing it because she's tired as hell.

Jennie smirked to herself because even though Rosé might act like a total ice princess sometimes, she knows how soft Rosie actually is.

She rarely showed this part of herself except to her members and even that was once in a blue moon. Which is why Jennie didn't say anything to tease her and just let her rest for a bit.

When they arrived, Jennie woke Chaeyoung up, who had dozed off on her shoulder . Jennie was almost reluctant to do it because Chaeyoung looked extremely angelic and gentle when she didn't have a permanent scowl on her face.

As soon as they entered the studio, their stylists dragged them separate ways to prepare for the shoot.

They put Jennie in a sleeveless pink top and sparkly golden disco pants. It probably would've looked horrible on anyone else but Jennie managed to pull it off.

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